The 2008 Library Automation Survey will be closing soon.
If you have not yet responded, I hope that you will do so in the next few days. Please help me assess the current state of the library automation arena by responding to the survey and giving your library’s perceptions of its current automation software and the organizations involved in supporting it.
Original survey invitation message:
I am conducting another round of the library automation perceptions survey. Last year’s survey was the basis for “Perceptions 2007: an international survey of library automation:”
The data collected through this year’s survey will inform a similar report that provides the statistical results and interprets to the extent possible what it says about the current library automation arena.
The survey aims to measure how libraries perceive their current library automation system, the companies involved in their support and development, and to gauge interest in open source alternatives. As more libraries become involved with open source ILS products, I’m especially
interested in measuring their satisfaction relative to those that use traditionally licensed systems.
Last year I received 1,779 survey responses. An even larger volume of responses this year will help increase the validity of the survey and result in a stronger report regarding the state of the industry. I think that all of us have an interest in gaining a better understanding of what libraries think about their current automation situation as we think about effective strategies going forward.
Please take a few minutes to respond to the survey. The following link provides more information about the survey and is the easiest way to get to the survey response form:
If you responded last year, I’m still very much interested in having you respond this time also. Comparing the results of the two years might reveal interesting shifts in perceptions.
Thanks for participating.
Marshall Breeding
Director for Innovative Technology and Research
Vanderbilt University Library