Welcome to the VLA Membership and Outreach Committee!

The Membership and Outreach Committee handles all elements of association membership, communications, and outreach.

Committee members:

  • Promote membership and recruit members.
  • Answer membership related questions.
  • Advise the VLA executive committee on membership policy, and translate that policy into the membership software to ensure accuracy and ease of use.
  • Develop and refine communications resources for the website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the quarterly VLA News.
  • Maintain VLA’s website.

There are so many reasons to be a VLA member!

Contact Us

Erica Shott

Substitute Pool Coordinator
Christy Liddy
Subs@vermont libraries.org

VLA News
Janet Clapp, Editor

Tessa Johnson and Jessamyn West
Have an event you’d like to see on VLA’s website? Email the details to:

Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
Susan Larson
Have some information or good news you’d like us to share? Send an email to Susan at susanularson@gmail.com

We Need Volunteers!

We are always hard at work to make the Vermont Library Association amazing. If you want to help, let us know. Here’s some projects we’re working on that need a person to helm them, or let us know your own idea!

– It is in the Education section of the 2014-2017 VLA Strategic Plan to “Promote opportunities for members wishing to pursue MLS degrees” and “Explore new methods for offering continuing education opportunities (e.g., distance learning models, partnerships with LIS schools).” We have a discount tuition arrangement with Drexel, but we need a more comprehensive program, including a list of existing discount programs regardless of membership in VLA. Currently this project is being explored by our vice-president, Virgil Fuller, and he could use some help!

– In the Membership section of the strategic plan, there’s the mission to “Expand and improve membership benefits.” This encompasses a few things, including getting online membership management and payment, developing joint memberships with other library organizations like VSLA, NELA, etc., and envisioning a mentoring service for those who both want a mentor and would like to be a mentor.

Last update July 30, 2023.