Welcome to the Vermont Library Association Public Libraries Section

The Vermont Library Association’s (VLA) Public Libraries Section strives to extend the ability of libraries to provide equal access to and availability of literary and cultural resources by providing tools and resources to librarians. The section supports librarianship in the state through educational and social events.

Recommended Presenters Spreadsheet

We request your help updating VLA’s recommended presenters spreadsheet. Simply complete this easy to use Recommended Presenter Submission Form, which then populates our Recommended Presenters, Performers, and Speakers Spreadsheet available for all to use.


Public Libraries Section Hosts Franklin County Library Tour (posted January 5, 2024)

Franklin County Vermont Public Library Tour (posted November 14, 2023)

Public Library Section Hosts Addison County Library Tour (September 30, 2022)

Addison County Library Tour  (September 2022)

Northeast Kingdom Library Tour (April 29, 2022)

Meeting Minutes

May 25, 2021 Public Library Section Minutes

May 22, 2019 Public Library Section Minutes


Catherine Goldsmith
President, Vermont Library Association Public Libraries Section
Director, Starksboro Public Library
2849 VT Route 116
Starksboro, VT 05487

Last update June 4, 2024