$75,000 in Funding Available for Library Literacy Programming
Better World Books is excited to introduce the LEAP Grants (Literacy and Education in Action Program) for Libraries. Applicants will propose a compelling literacy project in their community. It is understood that the needs and opportunities of the communities that libraries serve vary widely and are eager to review a variety of applications.
Simplified 2 Page Grant Pitch Process
This grant process is patterned off of the California State Library’s ‘Pitch an Idea’ program which simplifies the otherwise arduous task of completing the typically huge grant application process. Interested libraries need only submit a short two-page project overview. Those with the best proposals will be selected for a 30 minute conversation during which they will pitch their idea. After reviewing all of the pitches, Better World Books will select the winners whose projects are most viable and ready to go. Selected libraries will then be asked to complete a more detailed project plan. After project plans are complete, the grants will be awarded.
Applications Due March 25, 2011.
Projects that address the literacy needs of under served populations in their community and involve partnerships with local government agencies are highly encouraged.
Better World Books is currently accepting applications online at http://www.betterworldbooks.com/custom.aspx?f=leap-libraries. There you’ll also find a full list of selection criteria as well as a detailed grant time line.
Questions may be directed to Catarina Gutierrez at cgutierrez@betterworldbooks.com .