Vermont Library Trustees Association Conference

Registration is now open for the VLTA Conference being held this year at the Vermont State House, Montpelier, Saturday November 5Please forward this to those board members who may not frequent the VLA website or Facebook pages.

VLTA Registration Form:

With so many changes in the world of libraries and in Vermont, we look forward to a dynamic mix of topics, but it is YOU the trustees who bring the energy to this event. This annual event offers a great opportunity to meet trustees from nearby towns, or from libraries of similar size, or those dealing with the same projects or questions you are. If you are a new member of the board, or a new library director, this is a good time to learn about some of the topics of shared interest to libraries and boards across Vermont. Based on feedback from last year, we have made the last part of a program a less formal networking time, to meet with others interested in sharing questions and best practices on a variety of topics. We also hope to greet new board members during Registration so please tell us if you are new to the board.

The rest of the VLTA Planning Committee and I  look forward to seeing you at the State House on November 5 and hope that several trustees or a trustee and library director will be able to attend together this year. Parking is free on Saturdays in Montpelier, and there is ample space in the State employee lots as well that can be used – such as that near the Taylor Street Bridge.

Best regards,
Christine Friese
Assistant State Librarian
Department of Libraries