A New Film About Life In Vermont Released on DVD – SPECIAL OFFER for Libraries

A recent hit at the Vermont International Film Festival, “Slingbacks and Syrup” drew a larger audience than any other film in the festival! This endearing movie about the lives of the members of Vermont’s own House of LeMay is now available on DVD from RJD Productions.

Deep in Vermont lies the mythical town of Beaver Pond. “Slingbacks and Syrup” uses the documentary form to tell the true tale of a young man who meets The House of LeMay, a family of outrageous Vermont drag queens who forever change his life.. Through laughter and leadership the young man learns how the LeMays have stood tall in their heels and changed the world around them, and eventually the young man discovers that his world has been dramatically changed too. For more information or to view the films trailers visit www.slingbacksandsyrup.com


“It’s an inspired film that absolutely loves Burlington and its subjects.” Millie at the Pictures – http://millieatthepictures.blogspot.com/

“I have just seen the feel-good documentary of the decade! Slingbacks and Syrup,”…”recently a huge hit at the Vermont International Film Festival – and I can see why. It is funny, touching, and extremely entertaining.” – David Dust- http://daviddust.blogspot.com

Below are links to two articles discussing “Slingbacks and Syrup” in Seven Days, Vermont’s Independent Newspaper –



– Libraries can now order “Slingbacks and Syrup,” direct from RJD Productions for the low price of $20 INCLUDING SHIPPING AND HANDLING. This is a significant savings over online stores where shipping and handling will be an additional charge. Checks should be made out to RJD Productions and sent to RJD Productions, 200 W. 20th St, Apt 304, NY, NY 10011.