Town Meeting Survey 2010 Deadline for Public Libraries

Public Library Directors:

We have extended the deadline for responding to the annual Town Meeting Results survey and you have until the end of the day on Friday, April 2 to get the results to us.

We have heard from only 89 public libraries so far. If your library has not yet responded, please fill out the electronic survey this week even if your town has not yet acted on your town budget. (There is a question for that in the survey.)

To find the online survey, click this link: and follow instructions for completing and submitting the survey electronically.

If you have questions or need any assistance completing the survey, please contact Renee Ancel, Executive Assistant to the State Librarian at:  (802) 828-3266 /

We are aiming for 100% participation this year. Thanks for getting this information to us!

Martha Reid
State Librarian
Vermont Department of Libraries
109 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05609-0601
Tel: (802) 828-3265
Fax: (802) 828-2199

Vermont Humanities Council Presents First Wednesdays Lecture

Montpelier’s First Wednesdays Talk Includes Charlie Chaplin Film Seen Only Once in 77 Years – First North American Showing!

Susan Cooke Kittredge, daughter of the late journalist Alistair Cooke, will give a talk about her father’s life, which will include a rare screening of his 1933 short film on Charlie Chaplin, at Trinity United Methodist Church in Montpelier on April 7. The talk, “The Unseen Alistair Cooke,” is part of the Vermont Humanities Council’s First Wednesdays lecture series and takes place at 7:00 p.m.

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2010 Woman’s Day Magazine Library Contest

Libraries have until May 9 to promote Woman’s Day magazine’s newest initiative, “why the library is important to my community.” The American Library Association (ALA) and Woman’s Day are looking for stories that showcase the importance and value of libraries within the communities they serve.

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2010 Woman's Day Magazine Library Contest

Libraries have until May 9 to promote Woman’s Day magazine’s newest initiative, “why the library is important to my community.” The American Library Association (ALA) and Woman’s Day are looking for stories that showcase the importance and value of libraries within the communities they serve.
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The Vermont Arts Council announces the FY2011 Grant Deadlines and Grantseeker Workshops

Know WHEN to apply:

Artists: Creation Grants deadline: May 3, 2010
Organizations and Schools: Arts Learning Grants deadline: June 1, 2010
Community Orgs: Community Arts Grants deadline: June 1, 2010

Learn HOW to apply:

The Arts Council has scheduled two workshops to provide information to artists, educators and organizations seeking Arts Council grant funding. The sessions are free of charge and include information on available grants, the application process, and other Council programs.

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Librarian as Social Worker Panel Discussion

Hello public librarians!

I am the public library representative on the VLA Board.  I’m putting together a panel discussion called Librarian as Social Worker, which was how I described my job after arriving at work and finding a young adult (who was a recently discharged veteran) sleeping on the library steps.  After discussions with colleagues, I realized I wasn’t alone in feeling overwhelmed by the increase in our patrons’ needs.  In the past year or so, patrons have needed more information relating to health and human services, rather than reader’s advisory.  Whether it’s a question about emergency heating assistance or a child you fear is being abused, librarians are increasingly working with patrons who are in crisis.

The panel will be made up of members of local and state agencies who will discuss their organizations and how librarians can best use their resources.  VT 211 will have a representative on each panel.  There will be time for Q & A.

Panels will be held at two locations: Friday April 9th at the Aldrich Public Library in Barre and Monday April 26th at the Hartland Public Library, 10:00 –1:00 PM (coffee at 9:30.)  Please bring a bag lunch.  I’m also looking for real-life examples to provide to the panelists.  RSVP to or 802-649-1184.


VLA is Seeking 2010 Retirees

The VLA Awards Committee is once again looking for people who have retired or are planning to retire in 2010, or who retired any time since the last VLA conference. To be eligible for a retirement award a Librarian must:

  • Have worked in a Vermont library for a minimum of 10 years
  • Be member of VLA
  • Retire or plan to retire some time between Jun 1, 2009 and the end of 2010.

Please let me know of anyone you know so we can honor them at the May VLA Conference.

Thanks so much for your help.

Grace Greene
Chair, VLA Awards Committee