New Listserv for Vermont Library Staff

The Vermont Department of Libraries is starting a new listserv for library staff from Vermont libraries. LIBSTAFF supplements other DOL listservs available:

VTYAC            communication for youth service staff in Vermont
LibTrust          communication for public library trustees

Any message sent to LIBSTAFF will automatically be distributed to the entire group.

Want to stay up to date on DOL workshops?
Need access to the newsletter?
Curious about how other library staff do things?

LIBSTAFF is the answer.

To subscribe to LIBSTAFF, send a message with the email account to with the following in the body: subscribe LibStaff FirstName LastName.  The Department of Libraries will send full instructions for using the listserv to the email you use.

Contact with any questions.

Amy Howlett
VT Department of Libraries

Executive MLIS Program Offered Through Distance Learning

The Executive MLIS program at San Jose State University is designed for experienced library managers or supervisors who are interested in earning an ALA-accredited master’s degree, allowing them to take the next step in their professional growth.  The application deadline for Fall 2010 is March 30.

The Executive MLIS program complements the professional experience of students, building upon their existing knowledge and preparing them to take on new leadership roles.  Students explore the core competencies of librarianship, along with leadership topics, such as program evaluation, human resource management, marketing, and financial management.

Although all courses are completed through distance learning, students meet other cohort members at an 8-day residency in San Jose, CA, and continue to network with cohort members and professionals by attending seminars offered in conjunction with the ALA and SLA annual conferences.

For more information or to apply online, visit the program website, at

Or contact the Executive MLIS Program Coordinator, Dr. Patricia C. Franks, Associate Professor, San Jose School of Library and Information Science, at

Call for Proposals: Information Literacy through the Streets of Hollywood

We are soliciting short lesson plans or supporting activities for a book we are writing for Library Instruction Publications. In this publication we plan to highlight activities that foster and encourage critical thinking as it relates to information literacy, film, and other video media.  These activities will focus on teaching conceptual and transferable information literacy competencies.  As teachers we appreciate and eagerly embrace instructional techniques and devices that engage students in the learning process. From our experience, we have observed that students are very receptive to the use of film and other visual media in instructional sessions. Since we teach information literacy courses, we know that many films contain excellent examples relating to essential components of the information literacy curriculum. In many of our classes, we utilize this medium to teach students the fundamental aspects of information literacy.  Each lesson plan or learning activity will follow the format previously used in the Active Learning Series. Authors will organize their lesson plans with sections titled Circumstances of the Instruction, Objectives of the Instruction, and Components of the Instruction. Supplementary materials such as handouts and worksheets will accompany the text. The book will include a Table of Contents as well as an index listing each type of activity for easy access.

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URGENT ACTION ALERT: Get Librarians into the “Jobs Bill”


Please call both of your U.S. Senators to ask each of them to request that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL), and Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND),  include the hiring and retaining of librarians in the $18 billion “Jobs Bill” as well.

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URGENT ACTION ALERT: Get Librarians into the "Jobs Bill"

Please call both of your U.S. Senators to ask each of them to request that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL), and Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND),  include the hiring and retaining of librarians in the $18 billion “Jobs Bill” as well.
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Call for Papers – Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve

Call for Papers for Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve

The Routledge/Taylor & Francis peer-reviewed Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve (JILDDER) has merged with Resource Sharing & Information Networks and is now accepting articles for  Summer and Fall 2010 publication.  Of particular interest to JILDDER are articles regarding resource sharing, unmediated borrowing, electronic reserve, cooperative collection development, shared virtual library services, digitization projects and other multi-library collaborative efforts including the following topics:

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Call for Papers – Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve

Call for Papers for Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve
The Routledge/Taylor & Francis peer-reviewed Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve (JILDDER) has merged with Resource Sharing & Information Networks and is now accepting articles for  Summer and Fall 2010 publication.  Of particular interest to JILDDER are articles regarding resource sharing, unmediated borrowing, electronic reserve, cooperative collection development, shared virtual library services, digitization projects and other multi-library collaborative efforts including the following topics:
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Vermont Materials Challenges for ALAOIF

With the end of the year, American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom (ALAOIF) is  compiling the yearly list of most frequently challenged books.  ALAOIF collects information for the  challenge database from media reports and from reports submitted by individuals especially State IFC chairs.  I would greatly appreciate if you could send me any information on challenges in your institution during 2009.    Challenges reported to ALA by individuals are kept confidential and any report can be cross-checked with existing entries in the database.  You may report challenges by filling out and submitting OIF’s database form (available at or you may simply email me the details of the incident and I can fill out a form on your behalf.  If you have any questions at all, please let me know.

Thank you for your help.
Gail Weymouth
VLA IFC chair

ACRL/NEC Spring 2010 Conference


The Association of College and Research Libraries New England Chapter (ACRL/NEC) invites you to attend its 2010 Spring Conference.

Embracing Our Electronic World: Challenges and Promises for Academic Libraries

Friday, May 14, 2010 @ College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA

Spend a day discussing the impact of our shifting information landscape, the evolving roles of academic libraries and librarians in a networked world, and the opportunities for innovation that come with rapid change.  The conference will feature speaker, Lisa Hinchliffe (Vice-President/President-elect of ACRL), presentations from ACRL/NEC Special Interest Groups (, and will offer opportunities to network with your colleagues and discuss the latest library products and services with our sponsoring vendors.

Registration will begin mid-January, 2010.  For preliminary conference information please visit :