Library Services for 50+ Adults are Focus of New England Institute

Dear Public Library Colleagues,

I am including (below) an announcement for an upcoming Lifelong Access Libraries Leadership Institute focusing on Library Service for 50+ Adults to be held December 1-2 in Newton, Mass. Attendance is limited; interested libraries can apply to send a library director, library trustee or adult services librarian. Winning applicants will receive funding to cover travel, meals and lodging for one night. Details, and a link to the application form, are below. Application deadline: November 14, 2008.

The demographic projections for Vermont tell us that our population of older citizens will grow more rapidly than other age group. Services to seniors, including enrichment programming, will be more important than ever in our state’s public libraries.

I encourage all interested libraries to learn more about this opportunity and to consider submitting an application.

Martha Reid
State Librarian
Vermont Department of Libraries
109 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05609-0601
Tel: (802) 828-3265

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2008 National Survey of Public Library Funding and Technology Access – UPDATE

Hello everyone,

We’re getting close to the 60% response rate for this survey, but aren’t quite there, yet.  We’re really getting down to the wire, though.   The survey closes NOVEMBER 7, 2008, which is less than 2 weeks, now.

A minimum of 60% is required for the team to be able to analyze the state individually.  It is important to receive as many responses as possible from sampled libraries, as they were chosen for the sample specifically based on the proportionality of the various metropolitan areas and poverty levels in the state. Go to to complete your survey.

We’re doing much better than in past years.  Thank you to everyone who’s completed or nearly completed the survey.  Great job.

Thank you again for all of your help, and please contact me with any questions you may have.

Rob Geiszler
Vermont Department of Libraries

Vermont Library Trustee Association Conference


A reminder that the Vermont Library Association Annual Trustee Conference is scheduled for November 8th at the Rutland Free Library. The agenda for the day will be an address from our new State Librarian, Martha Reid, presentation by Gail Weymouth, Chair of the VLA Intellectual Freedom Committee, and a special presentation by library consultant Lawrence Webster. Lawrence, as some of you may know, is an independent public library consultant specializing in communications, public relations, Friends, board development and strategic planning. Lawrence’s presentation will provide trustees and librarians with practical advice on securing strong community and financial support for their libraries. Advice especially critical in these tough economic times.

Please remember that this is the one annual event that VLA sponsors for public library trustees and we encourage as many trustees and library staff to attend.

If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you

Michael Roche
Northeast Regional Library
23 Tilton Road
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819

2009 ProQuest/SIRS State and Regional Intellectual Freedom Award – Call for Nominations

Nominate a defender of intellectual freedom for a prestigious award!

The ProQuest/SIRS State and Regional Intellectual Freedom Achievement Award is given to the most innovative and effective intellectual freedom project covering a state or region.

The award is sponsored by ALA’s Intellectual Freedom Roundtable and ProQuest and consists of a citation and $1,000.

Programs may be one-time, one-year or ongoing/multi-year efforts.

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Standards applications and 2008 Public Library Reports – DEADLINE

This is a FRIENDLY reminder that November 10 is not so far away. Why is that significant? Because that’s the due date for the 2008 Minimum Standards Application and the 2008 Public Library Report for all Vermont public libraries. Please mail them to me:Rob Geiszler
Vermont Department of Libraries
271 North Main Street
Rutland, VT 05701

These should be postmarked on or before November 10, 2008.

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Satisfaction with free/open source software: survey invitation

General Request for Survey Input – Open Source/Free Software Satisfaction:

I am a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Information Management at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand, and my research topic is an investigation of factors that influence participant satisfaction with library or information management free/open source software projects. Some library-related examples are DSpace, EPrints, Koha, Evergreen, Greenstone, and MyLibrary. More general information management software includes web content management software such as Drupal, wiki software such as MediaWiki or PmWiki, or blogging software such as WordPress.

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NELA Plans Non-perishable Food Drive in Manchester, NH

NELA Executive Board and NELA Conference Committee 2008 are planning a non-perishable food drive to benefit the New Hampshire Food Bank in Manchester, but we can’t do it without your help.

While you are preparing to pack for the Annual Conference, please consider setting aside some room in your suitcase for one or two non-perishable food items.

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Call for Proposals – ACRL/NEC Annual Conference 2009

Association of College and Research Libraries – New England Chapter
Annual Conference 2009
College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
May 15, 2009

ACRL/NEC invites you to submit proposals for a workshop, presentation, or poster session at its 2009 conference:

“Are You Being Served? Customer satisfaction and library service.”

We are construing “customer service” broadly and seek proposals covering any and all aspects of librarianship as they relate to
serving and satisfying our customers. In writing proposals, here are some questions to consider: Who are our customers? What do they want/need? What can we, and what can’t we, provide? How can we do better, what else can we do, what can we stop doing? Is the customer always right? Do we provide what our customers want or what (we think) they need? Can we do both? Can we go too far in trying to please our customers?

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Library Journal Design Institute East – Going Green

Library Journal Design Institute East – Going Green is Co-sponsored by the Connecticut State Library and Connecticut Library Consortium

The fourth Library Journal Design Institute moves to Connecticut for a one-day think tank on green design. We will bring together leading architects, designers, librarians, and vendors to hone in on the challenges and solutions we face in making libraries sustainable. As previous Green Design institutes have shown, there is much more to sustainability than making our libraries green. With every Green Design Institute, we’ve taken a leap forward in knowledge and understanding, but there is so much more we can learn from these experts and each other. Join us for a day-long series of green-themed presentations, panels, and breakout sessions, and learn the latest developments, options, costs and strategies being adopted.

We’ll also reprise one of the most successful features of the day: hands-on breakout sessions with architects. Each librarian attendee will have a chance to have their design challenge be the focus of one of the six architect-led breakout sessions. The design challenges do not have to focus solely on going green, but the breakout session will incorporate green solutions into the design.

Limited to 100 attendees, the seminar is for those considering a new building project or renovation, in the fundraising or pre-bond stage, or in the early building process.

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UPDATE: 2008 National Survey of Public Library Funding and Technology Access

Hello everyone,

As of this morning, 46 sampled libraries in Vermont have completed the 2008 National Survey of Public Library Funding and Technology Access, which is a 29.5% response rate.

However, a total of 60 libraries have responded, either completely or in progress in Vermont, yielding a 38.5% response rate. It’s getting there!

As I have stated in the past, a minimum of 60% is required for the team to be able to analyze the state individually. It is important to receive as many responses as possible from sampled libraries, as they were chosen for the sample specifically based on the proportionality of the various metropolitan areas and poverty levels in the state. Go to to complete your survey.

We’re doing much better than in past years. Thank you to everyone who’s completed or nearly completed the survey. Great job.

The survey closes NOVEMBER 7, 2008, which allows just under 4 weeks for responses.

Thank you again for all of your help, and please contact me with any questions you may have.

Rob Geiszler