FREE State-Wide Webinar: Creating a Customer-Focused Culture in Your Library

Open to all library staff, trustees, friends, and other interested parties.

April 24th, 2009 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Visit the NELINET Event Details for more information.
Contact C&SL Section President Larraby Fellows to RSVP
and to get login information.

Various college and university libraries that will be attending/broadcasting the presentation have volunteered to open their doors to interested community members and library staff who cannot attend from their own facility. More information will be made available through the VLA listserv.

Reference Roundtable at St. Michael’s College

Date: Wednesday, August 20, from 1-4 pm
Location: Durick Library at Saint Michael’s College in Colchester.

The topic is Innovations in Reference service and in Promotion of reference service in light of the national trend of declining reference statistics

RSVP to Michele McCaffrey by August 1. More details to come as well as parking information, directions, etc.

Michele R. McCaffrey
Reference & Instruction Librarian/Reference Coordinator
Durick Library, St. Michael’s College
Box L, One Winooski Park
Colchester, VT 05439