Executive Committee/Officers
Representatives, Section Presidents, and Standing Committee Chairs
- American Library Association Councilor
- Representative to the New England Library Association
- College & Special Libraries Section President
- Friends & Trustees Section President
- Public Libraries Section President
- Technical Services Section President
- Youth Librarians Section President
- Chair, Membership and Outreach Committee
- Chair, Government Relations Committee
- Chair, Intellectual Freedom Committee
- Chair, Personnel Committee
- Chair, Vermont Library Conference Committee
Non-Voting Leadership (Section Vice Presidents and Ad-Hoc Committee Chairs)
- College & Special Libraries Section Vice President
- Friends & Trustees Section Vice President
- Friends & Trustees Section Immediate Past President
- Technical Services Section Vice President
- Chair, Awards Committee
- Chair, Scholarship Committee
- Chair, Inclusion Committee
Vice President / President Elect
One year (first year of a three-year cycle as vice president, president, and immediate past president)
Method of Appointment
Elected by the VLA membership as Vice President / President Elect
Eligible to Vote at Board Meetings?
Time Commitment
5+ hours per week
- Serves as president in the absence of the president.
- Conducts Executive Board meetings in the absence of the president or at the request of the president.
- Appoints a chair or co-chairs of the Vermont Library Conference Planning Committee, with input from the current co-chair.
- Coordinates the programs of the sections and committees by maintaining a schedule of all library-related events in the state.
- Is responsible for either serving as the Executive Board’s liaison with VLA News editor, or for appointing someone to serve in this capacity. Provides a calendar of events for each issue of the newsletter.
- Serves as chair of ad-hoc committees as directed by the president.
- Attends all Executive Board meetings, the annual VLA business meeting, and as many other meetings of the association as possible.
- As incoming president prepares a message to be published in the June/July issue of VLA News.
One year (second year of a three-year cycle as vice president, president, and immediate past president)
Method of Appointment
Elected by the VLA membership as Vice President / President Elect
Eligible to Vote at Board Meetings?
Time Commitment
5-10 hours per week
- Serves as the executive officer of the association and the Executive Board.
- Presides at Executive Board meetings, and develops the agendas for these meetings.
- Recruits and appoints chairpersons for the association’s committees.
- Serves as ex-officio voting member of all committees, except the Nominations and Elections Committee.
- Represents the association whenever necessary and desirable (such as the regularly scheduled meetings of the Board of Libraries).
- Negotiates contracts of Conference Coordinator and other contractors.
- At the invitation of Vermont Department of Libraries, meets with the Public Library Certification Board to approve candidates to receive certification (in the spring).
- Performs other duties as requested by the Executive Board, or as required by the office.
- Attends all Executive Board meetings, the annual VLA business meeting, and as many other meetings of the association as possible.
- Prepares a report of the association’s activities to be delivered at the annual membership meeting and published in VLA News.
- On leaving office, turns over current records to the incoming president and non-current records to the archivist.
Immediate Past President
One year (final year of a three-year cycle as vice president, president, and immediate past president)
Method of Appointment
Elected by the VLA membership as Vice President / President Elect
Eligible to Vote at Board Meetings?
Time Commitment
1-3 hours per week
- Attends all Executive Board meetings.
- Serves on the Nominations and Elections Committee.
- Serves at the president’s leisure on any committees or taskforces.
Two year term, staggered with treasurer
Method of Appointment
Elected by the VLA membership
Eligible to Vote at Board Meetings?
Time Commitment
1-5 hours per week
- Attends all Executive Board meetings and the annual VLA business meeting.
- Records the minutes of board meetings, distributes draft minutes promptly to Executive Board members and other VLA leaders, and submits approved minutes to the webmaster for posting.
- Conducts correspondence as directed by the president or Executive Board.
- Receives and distributes official publications and communications.
- Maintains complete and accurate records of VLA members, and generates mailing lists as needed.
- Prepares an annual budget estimate for the board to cover the expenses of carrying out the duties of the office.
- Performs other duties as requested by the president or Executive Board, or as required by the office.
- On leaving office, turns over current records to the incoming secretary and non-current records to the archivist.
- Elections:
- Issues announcements of proposed amendments to the membership. Prepares official ballots and announces the results of votes thereon.
- Prepares an official slate for election of officers for printing in the association’s newsletter one month prior to the annual business meeting; includes a ballot for write-in candidates and absentee voting. If written ballots are used for the election of officers, collects the ballots from the chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee immediately after the election and enters them in the archives. Notifies candidates of election results no later than two weeks after the annual meeting. Notifies the secretaries of ALA Council and New England Library Association of the names of the elected representatives to those organizations.
Two year term, staggered with secretary
Method of Appointment
Elected by the VLA membership
Eligible to Vote at Board Meetings?
- Attends all Executive Board meetings and the annual VLA business meeting.
- Prepares budget statements, profit and loss statements, and balances on hand statements for each board meeting and for the annual meeting.
- Helps prepare the budget for the year.
- Maintains the association’s bank accounts and reconciles bank statements.
- Deposits and records income from dues, sections meetings, advertising, etc.
- Pays bills and allocates expenses to the appropriate budget line.
- At the request of the Executive Board, places surplus monies in savings account(s) or certificates of deposit and notes interest eamed in financial statements.
- Maintains a balance in the association’s bulk mail permit account at the Burlington post office and pays for post office box rental there and elsewhere as needed.
- Prepares an annual report for the annual meeting and for publication in the June/July issue of VLA News.
- Secures and maintains for the association a commercial blanket bond cover in the Executive Board.
- Performs other duties as requested by the president or Executive Board, or as required by the office.
- On leaving office, tums over current records to the incoming treasurer and non-current records to the archivist.
American Library Association Councilor
Three years
Method of Appointment
Elected by VLA Membership
Eligible to Vote at Board Meetings?
- Acts as a liaison between Vermont Library Association and American Library Association (ALA), and generally represents the needs and interests of Vermont librarians to ALA.
- Represents Vermont Library Association at ALA meetings.
- Holds membership in ALA.
- Serves as specified in the bylaws of ALA.
- Attends all VLA Executive Board meetings and the annual VLA business meeting.
- Reports ALA issues and news to the Executive Board, and in VLA News.
- Submits to the treasurer an estimate of expenses for the coming fiscal year.
- Transmits amendments and changes of the VLA Constitution and Bylaws to ALA.
- Prepares an annual report for the annual VLA business meeting and for publication in the June/July issue of VLA News.
- At end of term, turns over current records to successor and non-current records to the archivist.
Representative to the New England Library Association
Two years
Method of Appointment
Elected by VLA Membership
Eligible to Vote at Board Meetings?
Time Commitment
One hour per week, greater in preparation for annual conferences. Attend Vermont Library Conference (1-2 days, May) and NELA Conference (3 days, October).
- Acts as a liaison between Vermont Library Association and New England Library Association (NELA) and generally represents the needs and interests of Vermont librarians to NELA.
- Holds membership in NELA.
- Represents Vermont Library Association at NELA meetings, Counterparts, and the NELA Conference.
- Attends NELA board meetings as a voting member.
- Reports on NELA activities at Executive Board meetings and submits reports to VLA News. Publicizes NELA activities, Counterparts, and the NELA Conference in VLA News.
- Reports on Vermont Library Association activities at NELA Board meetings, and submits reports to the NELA newsletter.
- Prepares an annual report for the annual VLA business meeting, and submits it for publication in the June/July issue of VLA News.
- Submits to the treasurer an estimate of expenses for the coming fiscal year.
- Arranges space at the Vermont Library Conference for the NELA display.
College & Special Libraries Section President
One year (second year of two-year cycle as vice president, president)
Method of Appointment
Elected by the College & Special Libraries Section membership
Eligible to Vote at Board Meetings?
Time Commitment
1 hour per week, greater when preparing for section events
- Attends VLA Executive Board meetings and the annual VLA business meeting.
- Submits to the VLA treasurer work program and budget for the coming fiscal year.
- Provides general direction, supervision, and leadership to section activities.
- Presides at all section business meetings.
- With the section vice president and section volunteers, plans and implements at least one section meeting or program per year.
- Works with the section vice president to ensure that the Vermont Library Conference program includes programs and events of interest to section members.
- Issues announcements of section meetings and programs.
- With the section vice president and section volunteers, writes articles for the VLA News on section activities and subjects.
- Prepares an annual report for the annual meeting and for publication in the June/July issue of VLA News.
- At the end of term, turns over current records to the incoming section president and non-current records to the archivist.
Friends & Trustees Section President
One year (second year of three-year cycle as vice president, president, immediate-past-president)
Method of Appointment
Elected by the Friends & Trustees Section membership
Eligible to Vote at Board Meetings?
Time Commitment
2 hours per week, mainly to recruit helpers
- Be responsive to 183 Trustee and Friends groups (or potential groups) across the state.
- Communicate relevant interests between the VLA and Trustee and Friends groups across the state.
- Support VTLIB in organizing the annual November Friends & Trustees conference.
- Trustees have legal responsibilities in directing library staff. Help them understand these roles and obligations.
- Friends generate funds for libraries. Help establish guidelines for proper distribution and handling of these funds.
- Attend VLA Executive Board meetings, annual Board retreat, and the annual VLA business meeting.
- Write (or assign to be written) quarterly articles for the VLA News on section activities and subjects.
- Preside at the annual 25-minute Section business meeting during the Vermont Library Conference.
- At the end of term, turn over current records to the incoming section president and non-current records to the archivist.
- Prepare an annual report for the annual meeting and for publication in the June/July issue of VLA News.
- Assign a liaison to the national American Library Association United for Libraries.
Friends & Trustees Section Vice President
One year (first year of two-year cycle as Vice President, President)
Method of Appointment
Elected by Friends & Trustees Section membership
Eligible to Vote at Board Meetings?
No, unless granted in the section president’s absence. Encouraged to attend board meetings and participate in board listserv.
Time Commitment
One hour per week
- Attends annual VLA business meeting.
- Serves on the Vermont Library Conference Planning Committee.
- May act in place of the section President as authorized representative to VLA Executive Board in the absence of section President.
- Serves at the Section President’s leisure in support of other committees or taskforces.
- May be asked to write articles for the VLA newsletter.
Friends & Trustees Section Immediate Past President
One year (final year of a three-year cycle as vice president, president, and immediate past president)
Method of Appointment
Elected by the VLA membership as Vice President / President Elect
Eligible to Vote at Board Meetings?
Time Commitment
1-3 hours per week
- Serves on Awards Committee.
- Serves on the Nominations and Elections Committee.
- Serves at the Section President’s leisure in support of other committees or taskforces.
Public Libraries Section President
One year (second year of two-year cycle as vice president, president)
Method of Appointment
Elected by the Public Libraries Section membership
Eligible to Vote at Board Meetings?
Time Commitment
2 hours per week, greater when preparing for section events
- Attends VLA Executive Board meetings and the annual VLA business meeting.
- Submits to the VLA treasurer work program and budget for the coming fiscal year.
- Provides general direction, supervision, and leadership to section activities.
- Presides at all section business meetings.
- Plans and implements at least one section meeting or program per year.
- Issues announcements of section meetings and programs.
- writes (or assigns to be written) articles for the VLA News on section activities and subjects.
- Appoints a representative to the Vermont Library Conference Planning Committee.
- At the end of term, turns over current records to the incoming section president and non-current records to the archivist.
- Prepares an annual report for the annual meeting and for publication in the June/July issue of VLA News.
- Acts as representative to the Vermont Public Library Foundation Board.
College & Special Libraries Section Vice President
One year (first year of two-year cycle as vice president, president)
Method of Appointment
Elected by the College & Special Libraries Section membership
Eligible to Vote at Board Meetings?
No, unless granted in the section president’s absence. Encouraged to attend board meetings and participate in board listserv.
Time Commitment
1 hour per week, greater when preparing for section events
- Serves as the CSL representative on the Vermont Library Conference Planning Committee
- With the section president and section volunteers, plans and implements section events.
- With the section president and section volunteers, writes articles for the VLA News on section activities and subjects.
- May attend annual VLA Board retreat.
- May attend VLA Board meetings as a voting member when the section president is unable to attend.
Technical Services Section President
One year (second year of two-year cycle as Vice President, President)
Method of Appointment
Elected by Technical Services Section membership
Eligible to Vote at Board Meetings?
Time Commitment
One hour per week
- Attends VLA Executive Board meetings and the annual VLA business meeting.
- Submits to the VLA treasurer work program and budget for the coming fiscal year.
- Provides general direction, supervision, and leadership to section activities.
- Presides at all section business meetings.
- Plans and implements at least one section meeting or program per year.
- Issues announcements of section meetings and programs.
- Writes (or assigns to be written) articles for the VLA News on section activities and subjects.
- At the end of term, turns over current records to the incoming section president and non-current records to the archivist.
- Prepares an annual report for the annual meeting and for publication in the June/July issue of VLA News.
Technical Services Section Vice President
One year (first year of two-year cycle as Vice President, President)
Method of Appointment
Elected by Technical Services Section membership
Eligible to Vote at Board Meetings?
No, unless granted in the section president’s absence. Encouraged to attend board meetings and participate in board listserv.
Time Commitment
One hour per week
- Attends annual VLA business meeting.
- Serves on the Vermont Library Conference Planning Committee.
- May act in place of the section President as authorized representative to VLA Executive Board in the absence of section President.
- May be asked to write articles for the VLA newsletter.
Youth Librarians Section President
One year (second year of two-year cycle as vice president, president)
Method of Appointment
Elected by the Youth Librarians membership
Eligible to Vote at Board Meetings?
- Attends VLA Executive Board meetings and the annual VLA business meeting.
- Submits to the VLA treasurer work program and budget for the coming fiscal year.
- Provides general directions, supervision, and leadership to section activities.
- Presides at all section business meetings.
- Plans and implements at least one section meeting or program per year.
- Issues announcements of section meetings and programs.
- Writes (or assigns to be written) articles for VLA News on section activities and subjects.
- Appoints a representative to the Vermont Library Conference Planning Committee.
- At the end of term, turns over current records to the incoming section president and non-current records to the archivist.
- Prepares an annual report for the annual meeting and for publication in the June/July issue of VLA News.
Chair, Membership and Outreach Committee
One year, renewable at pleasure of president
Method of Appointment
Appointed by Executive Board or VLA president
Eligible to Vote at Board Meetings?
- Recruits people to serve on Membership Committee.
- Works to maintain a base of membership adequate to support the goals of the Association.
- Maintains a membership information and recruitment table at the Vermont Library Conference.
- Submits to the treasurer an estimate of membership income and expenses for the annual budget.
- Manages member renewal notices and acknowledgments.
- Develops member benefits in consultation with the Executive Board.
- Recommends names for honorary membership.
- Maintains a membership form for inclusion in VLA News.
- Maintains a file of original (or photocopied) membership forms to serve as a back-up to the database maintained by the secretary.
- Advises the board on matters affecting membership, such as dues.
- Keeps statistics of renewals, new members, types of memberships, and section memberships.
- Prepares statistics for the ALA Chapter Reports on the calendar year.
- Prepares an annual report for the annual meeting and for publication in the June/July issue of VLA News.
- At end of term. turns over current records to successor and non-current records to the archivist.
- Recommends and oversees the VLA News editor(s) and reports relevant information to them for improvement and inclusion in the VLA News.
- Recommends and oversees the Vermontlibraries.org webmaster(s) and reports relevant information to them for improvement & maintenance.
Chair, Government Relations Committee
One year, renewable at pleasure of president
Method of Appointment
Appointed by Executive Board or VLA president
Eligible to Vote at Board Meetings?
- Recruits people to serve on Government Relations Committee.
- Keeps abreast of legislative issues which relate to libraries, especially Vermont libraries.
- Reports to the Executive Board on library legislation.
- Prepare news items on legislation for VLA News.
- Submits to the treasurer an estimate of income and expenses for the annual budget.
- Prepares an annual report for the annual meeting and for publication in the June/July issue of VLA News.
- When possible, attends National Library Legislation Day in Washington D.C., or organizes a Vermont Legislation Day.
- Prepares an annual legislative agenda for adoption by the membership at the annual meeting.
- With the Executive Board, works toward implementation of the legislative agenda.
- Attends Department of Libraries Board meetings and report to Executive Board and/or the VLA membership.
- At end of term, turns over current records to successor and non-current records to the archivist.
Chair, Intellectual Freedom Committee
One year, renewable at pleasure of president
Method of Appointment
Appointed by Executive Board or VLA president
Eligible to Vote at Board Meetings?
- Recruits people to serve on Intellectual Freedom Committee.
- Tracks intellectual freedom issues in the state and nationally, and reports to the board as necessary.
- Plans, coordinates, and promotes the John Swan Lecture.
- Assists librarians in situations where rights of freedom of expression are in danger.
- Submits to the treasurer an estimate of income and expenses for the annual budget.
- Prepares news stories on intellectual freedom for VLA News.
- Prepares an annual report for the annual VLA business meeting and for publication in the June/July issue of VLA News.
- At end of term, turns over current records to successor and non-current records to the archivist.
Chair, Personnel Committee
One year, renewable at pleasure of president
Method of Appointment
Appointed by Executive Board or VLA president
Eligible to Vote at Board Meetings?
- Recruits people to serve on Personnel Committee.
- Addresses any personnel issues which affect the membership and makes recommendations to the Executive Board.
- Studies library salary issues and recommends salary standards.
- Submits to the treasurer an estimate of income and expenses for the annual budget.
- Prepares reports on the committee’s work or articles on personnel issues for VLA News.
- Prepares an annual report for the annual VLA business meeting and for publication in the June/July issue of VLA News.
- At end of term, turns over current records to successor and non-current records to the archivist.
Chair, Vermont Library Conference Commitee
Two years
Method of Appointment
Appointed by Executive Board or VLA president
Eligible to Vote at Board Meetings?
Time Commitment
10+ hours per week January-May, fewer during other times of the year
- Serves as liaison between VLA Board and Conference Planning Committee, communicating policies and decisions that impact either body.
- Arranges first meeting in a timely manner (usually in August or September). Contacts all potential committee members.
- Helps negotiate hotel contract, if necessary.
- Writes each committee member’s supervisor, thanking him/her in advance for allowing participation.
- Provides leadership for committee, helping committee members make decisions and stay on schedule, and resolving issues.
- Takes responsibility for one to three programs.
- Monitors balance and appropriateness of programs and off-site visits.
- Reports to Executive Board on progress of conference arrangements and programs.
- Writes program descriptions and submits them to conference coordinator.
- Arranges and lays out program schedule.
- Writes presenter confirmation letters.
- Provides guidance/makes decisions for coordinator as necessary.
- Attends monthly meetings with committee and meets with coordinator as necessary.
- Oversees the operation of the conference.
- Assists the VLA vice president / president-elect with the appointment of the next co-chair by offering names of qualified, interested persons.
Chair, Awards Committee
One year, renewable at pleasure of president
Method of Appointment
Appointed by Executive Board or VLA president
Eligible to Vote at Board Meetings?
No, but encouraged to attend board meetings and participate in board listserv.
- Recruits people to serve on Awards Committee.
- Solicits nominations for VLA awards, and oversees process to select award recipients.
- Communicates information about award recipients to VLA president for announcement at the Vermont Library Conference.
- Prepares award certificates and arranges for other benefits in consultation with the Executive Board.
- Submits to the treasurer an estimate of expenses for the coming fiscal year.
- At end of term, turns over current records to the successor and non-current records to the archivist.
Chair, Scholarship Committee
One year, renewable at pleasure of president
Method of Appointment
Appointed by Executive Board or VLA president
Eligible to Vote at Board Meetings?
No, but encouraged to attend board meetings and participate in board listserv.
Time Commitment
One hour per week, greater during application review
- Recruits people to serve on Scholarship Committee.
- Solicits applications for VLA scholarships, and oversees process to select award recipients.
- Communicates information about award recipients to VLA president for announcement at the Vermont Library Conference and in VLA News.
- Submits to the treasurer an estimate of expenses for the coming fiscal year.
- At end of term, turns over current records to the successor and non-current records to the