The Routledge/Taylor & Francis peer-reviewed Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve (JILDDER) has merged with Resource Sharing & Information Networks and is now accepting articles for Winter and Spring publication. Of particular interest to JILDDER are articles regarding resource sharing, unmediated borrowing, electronic reserve, cooperative collection development, shared virtual library services, digitization projects and other multi-library collaborative efforts including the following topics:
- cooperative purchasing and shared collections
- consortial delivery systems
- shared storage facilities
- administration and leadership of interlibrary loan departments, networks, cooperatives, and consortia
- training, consulting and continuing education provided by consortia
- use of interlibrary loan statistics for book and periodical acquisitions, weeding and collection management
- selection and use of cutting-edge technologies and services used for interlibrary loan and electronic reserve, such as Ariel, Illiad, BlackBoard, Relais and other proprietary and open-source software
- copyright and permission issues concerning interlibrary loan and electronic reserve
- aspects of quality assurance, efficiency studies, best practices, library 2.0, the impact of Open WorldCat and Google Scholar, buy instead of borrow and practical practices addressing special problems of international interlibrary loan, international currency, payment problems, IFLA, and shipping
- interlibrary loan of specialized library materials such as music, media, CDs, DVDs, items from electronic subscriptions and legal materials
- special problems of medical, music, law, government and other unique types of libraries
- new opportunities in interlibrary loan and the enhancement of interlibrary loan as a specialization
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before August 9, 2010 for Winter publication and October 11, 2010 for Spring 2011 publication. For further details, instructions for authors and submission procedures please visit: . Please send all submissions and questions to the Editor Rebecca Donlan at .
Rebecca Donlan, MLS
Editor, Journal of Interlibrary Lending, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve
Assistant Director, Collection Management
Florida Gulf Coast University Library
10501 FGCU Boulevard South
Fort Myers, FL 33965-6501
(239) 590-7641 voice
Associate Editor:
Barbara J. Stites, Ph.D.
Associate Editor, Journal of Interlibrary Lending, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve
Florida Gulf Coast University Library
10501 FGCU Boulevard South
Fort Myers, FL 33965-6501
(239) 590-7602 voice