Call for Presenters New England Library Instruction Group Conference

The New England Library Instruction Group (NELIG), an interest group of the ACRL New England chapter, invites speaker proposals for its annual conference “Tapping into Learning Environments of the Future” to be held at the University of Southern Maine in Portland on Friday June 5, 2009.

Some possible topics include:

• Information literacy for service learning and other real world problems.

• Using digital collections in library instruction.

• Information literacy in online courses.

• The Library’s place in open education.

• Library instruction in virtual learning environments such as WebCT,
Blackboard and Second Life.

• Reaching library users in virtual or decentralized learning environments.

• Use of online games or simulations for research education.

• Use of student-generated content in library instruction.

• Library integration with e-portfolios or online assessment.

• Other topics you feel fit under this theme.

Presenters will have a total of 45 minutes and should plan to speak for 20-30 minutes leaving ample time for questions and discussion. Individual, group, or panel presentations by librarians and/or their collaborative colleagues are welcome. Interactive sessions are encouraged.

If you are interested in presenting a session or a panel, please submit a one-page proposal to Peter Cohn ( or Cecilia Dalzell ( by February 27, 2009.Please include complete contact information and any technology or other equipment requirements.