Vermont Materials Challenges for ALAOIF

With the end of the year, American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom (ALAOIF) is  compiling the yearly list of most frequently challenged books.  ALAOIF collects information for the  challenge database from media reports and from reports submitted by individuals especially State IFC chairs.  I would greatly appreciate if you could send me any information on challenges in your institution during 2009.    Challenges reported to ALA by individuals are kept confidential and any report can be cross-checked with existing entries in the database.  You may report challenges by filling out and submitting OIF’s database form (available at or you may simply email me the details of the incident and I can fill out a form on your behalf.  If you have any questions at all, please let me know.

Thank you for your help.
Gail Weymouth
VLA IFC chair

ACRL/NEC Spring 2010 Conference


The Association of College and Research Libraries New England Chapter (ACRL/NEC) invites you to attend its 2010 Spring Conference.

Embracing Our Electronic World: Challenges and Promises for Academic Libraries

Friday, May 14, 2010 @ College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA

Spend a day discussing the impact of our shifting information landscape, the evolving roles of academic libraries and librarians in a networked world, and the opportunities for innovation that come with rapid change.  The conference will feature speaker, Lisa Hinchliffe (Vice-President/President-elect of ACRL), presentations from ACRL/NEC Special Interest Groups (, and will offer opportunities to network with your colleagues and discuss the latest library products and services with our sponsoring vendors.

Registration will begin mid-January, 2010.  For preliminary conference information please visit :

ACRL/NEC Leadership Workshop

ACRL/NEC is happy to announce a unique professional development opportunity for our members.

On Friday, April 30th, we will present the workshop, “Learning to Lead: an introduction,” at Bryant University, Smithfield, Rhode Island. This workshop is limited to 24 participants and will be presented by leaders in the ACRL/New England Chapter at minimal cost.

We hope to see you there!
Barbara Kenney, President
ACRL/New England Chapter

Save the Date: NETSL Annual Spring Conference 2010: Crosswalks to the Future

Mark your calendars for the NETSL Annual Spring Conference Program 2010: Crosswalks to the Future

When: Thursday, April 15, 2010

Where: College of Holy Cross, Worcester, MA


  • Dr. Barbara B. Tillett, Chief, Policy and Standards Division, Library of Congress.
    “Building Blocks for the Future: Making Controlled Vocabularies Available for the Semantic Web”
  • Jon Orwant, Engineering Manager for Google Books, Google Magazines, and Google Patents.
    “Creating a trillion-field catalog: metadata in Google Books”

Read more

Announcing VTCSL, a new listserv for Vermont College and Special Libraries

Created for the College & Special Libraries Section of the Vermont Library Association, VTCSL is a forum for announcements and discussion of topics relevant to academic and special libraries in Vermont.  It is open to anyone interested.

How to subscribe:

  • Send a message to:
  • The text of the message should read: Subscribe vtcsl firstname lastname  (Replace firstname with your first name and lastname with your last name)

Happy Holidays!

Charlotte Gerstein
VLA College & Special Libraries Section President

Listen Up! Vermont, Round 5 Sign-Up!

The GMLC would like to let you know that our next round of signups, Round Five, is coming right up — now is the time to let us know if you are indeed interested. This is the ONLY opportunity in 2010 to join; the next round will not be until January 2011.

If you are interested in participating, the fee for schools for 2010 is 3.25% of your materials budget, and for publics, 4.75%. Discounts may be available depending on your materials budget. For publics, this will also gain you access to the Recorded Books downloadable audio book program in September 2010.

To express interest in joining, please fill out the information required in the following form:

For each new library, there is also an administrative fee the GMLC must pay to OverDrive. This fee pays to set up your library on the OverDrive system, as well as supporting new rounds of training.

Questions? Please contact me at In order to participate, we must know of your interest by December 11.

Stephanie Chase

Living in a Wired World: Can Personal Privacy Survive in the 21st Century?

Imagine waking up one day in your own personal terrarium, where everything you do and say can be seen by anyone passing by. Sound scary? In a world of Web cams, social networking sites, and GPS-equipped phones, your dorm walls may be more transparent than you realize.

The University of Vermont Libraries present a lecture and book-signing by Burlington-based attorney and computer forensics expert Frederick Lane, about the challenges emerging technologies pose to one of our most controversial rights, on Wednesday, November 18th at 4:30 PM, in Billings North Lounge.

Read more