National Library Week April 12-18

How are your plans coming for celebrating National Library Week this year, April 12-18? WCAX/ Channel 3 is broadcasting Vermont librarians Debbie Landauer and Amy Howlett booktalking some public library favorites on Monday, April 13 following the noon news. Their annotated list is online at . Feel free to use this list any way you like—for bookmarks, local articles, handouts, etc.

For more ideas, free radio PSAs and model letters to the editor, check out the American Library Association at . New York Times best selling author and actress Jamie Lee Curtis is the Honorary Chair of National Library Week 2009.

Amy Howlett
VT Department of Libraries
(802) 463-0142

FREE State-Wide Webinar: Creating a Customer-Focused Culture in Your Library

Open to all library staff, trustees, friends, and other interested parties.

April 24th, 2009 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Visit the NELINET Event Details for more information.
Contact C&SL Section President Larraby Fellows to RSVP
and to get login information.

Various college and university libraries that will be attending/broadcasting the presentation have volunteered to open their doors to interested community members and library staff who cannot attend from their own facility. More information will be made available through the VLA listserv.

Volunteer at the Vermont Library Conference!

As you all know, registration has opened for the 2009 Vermont Library Conference! Speaking Up! Advocacy for Libraries will be held on May 12 & 13 at the Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center.

In order to make a great conference go smoothly, we are in need of a few extra volunteers to help on-site during the 2 days. From helping out with registration, assisting the bookseller, and making traffic flow, we have jobs small to large that we hope you can fill.

We are holding a VLC volunteer luncheon on Saturday, March 21st at the Sheraton. If you are serious about volunteering at the conference, please join us! RSVP to Sara Goldstein ( or Barbara Doyle-Wilch ( by Thursday, March 19th.

If you are interested in volunteering but unable to attend the luncheon, please contact us.

Thank you for your support – we look forward to a terrific conference this year!


Barbara and Sara

WCAX interviews Williston library

Try to catch the WCAX (Channel 3) news tonight at 6 pm.  Darren Perron  and a film crew spent two hours at the Dorothy Alling Memorial Library this morning interviewing a Williston patron, Marty Reid and myself about library use during tough economic times.  Our patron, Tom LeBarge, had lost his job and used the library to work on and send out his resume and save money on recreational reading.  The good news is that he is now working again.  It will most likely run in the first 15 minutes.  If a “hotter” news story comes up it will run Monday night.  It will be archived on the WCAX website after the showing, .

Showcase your library at VLC 2009!

Showcase your library at the “Celebrate Vermont Libraries” party at this year’s Vermont Library Conference

At this year’s conference in Burlington we are planning a big celebration of libraries from 5:30 – 7pm on Tues. May 12th (1st day of the conference). We need displays that will highlight the importance of all kinds of Vermont libraries for conference attendees and guests (legislators, gov’t officials, trustees, library friends, principals, etc.) to view while conversing with each other and enjoying food, drink, and music. We welcome all kinds of ideas that showcase the positive benefits of libraries and what libraries contribute to our communities, such as how libraries have touched the lives of someone, a child, a senior, a community group, visitors to our state, etc.

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Rock & Roll Library Tour! THE HIGH STRUNG are coming!

Are you looking for a high-energy, summer reading program?

For the past five years the quirky, carefree, energetic music of Detroit’s The High Strung has been electrifying patrons across the nation with their sunny three-part harmonies and witty, lyrical bravado. This year the guitars that accompany the band’s catchy sing-along choruses are roaming the country again, headed in your direction, and the show is only getting better.

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Rock & Roll Library Tour! THE HIGH STRUNG are coming!

Are you looking for a high-energy, summer reading program?
For the past five years the quirky, carefree, energetic music of Detroit’s The High Strung has been electrifying patrons across the nation with their sunny three-part harmonies and witty, lyrical bravado. This year the guitars that accompany the band’s catchy sing-along choruses are roaming the country again, headed in your direction, and the show is only getting better.
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NETSL Spring Conference Registration Open

Registration is now open for the New England Technical Services Librarians’ 2009 Spring Conference.

Visit for the complete program and a link to the mail-in registration form. Online registration will be available very soon. (We’ll post another announcement to this list as soon as it’s available.) We look forward to seeing you there!

NETSL Annual Spring Conference Program 2009:

Working the Cataloging Landscape: Fishing, Mining, and Harvesting

Friday, April 17, 2009
9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
begins at 8:30 a.m.

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Free Library Marketing Webinar on OPAL

This free webinar is available to anyone.  The link below takes you to the entry point where you can download and the install WebConference program.  Enter a user name (anything will do) and leave the password blank.  If you can’t make the webinar live, you can catch it in the archives later.

Friday, March 6, 2009 at noon Eastern Time. Cruise to Success: Marketing for Libraries

Loreen Phillips, the Head of Information Literacy Services at McDermott Library at the University of Texas-Dallas, has written a recently published book about marketing for libraries, Cruise to Success: How to Steer Your Way Through the Murky Waters of Marketing Your Library, published in Dec. 2008 by Chandos Publishing. Phillips provides clear, step-by-step instructions and guidelines for developing a successful library marketing program. We will speak with her about how libraries of all types, but especially academic libraries, can improve their marketing strategies, activities, and results.

Host: TAP Information Services

Location: OPAL Auditorium