Banned Book Week Poster

Each year ALA sponsors Banned Books Week to highlight our 1st Amendment right to read.

In the past two years the education committee of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Vermont chapter (on which I serve) has offered free ALA posters to 21 school, public and college libraries in order to help them use this week to draw attention to the dangers of censorship.

We have money to do this again this year.

The first ten libraries to email response to this post will receive the ALA Banned Book Week poster offered this year by ALA and shown in the ALA graphics catalog (p. 6) that was recently mailed.  The 2010 poster measures 24” by 32” and retails for $16.00.

See the 2010 poster at

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Building Communities Grant Program – 4 Grants Available

The Building Communities Grants Programs consist of five grant programs established and funded by the Vermont Legislature to “help communities preserve important historic buildings and enhance community facilities”. All of these grant programs, with the exception of the Barn Grants, require that the applicant be a non-profit organization or municipality. The deadlines for all five occur in the fall, and selections are made by individual boards through an established selection process. All grants require a match; matching funds from local fundraising efforts are encouraged. The grants of interest to public libraries:

Historic Preservation Grant Program

Cultural Facilities Grant Program

Recreational Facilities Grant Program

Human Services & Educational Facilities Grant Program

Save the date! Videoconferencing in libraries

Within Reach: A Live Free Videoconference Connecting All Parts of Vermont to Each Other and the World.

September 21, 2010
1:45 – 3:45 pm
At all VIT sites

We invite library directors, library staff, library trustees, and library Friends to come to this informative and live, interactive presentation. The more the merrier!

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Society of American Archivists’ Rare Book Workshop

The Society of American Archivists’ Rare Book Workshop
December 16 and December 17, 2010
Beinecke Library, Yale University, New Haven, CT

Two-day workshop, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Early-Bird Registration Deadline:  Wednesday November 17, 2010

Maximum Enrollment:  15
Cost:  Early-Bird/Regular

SAA Members:  $295/ $385
Employees of Member Institutions:  $335/$385
Nonmember:  $375/395

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Society of American Archivists' Rare Book Workshop

The Society of American Archivists’ Rare Book Workshop
December 16 and December 17, 2010
Beinecke Library, Yale University, New Haven, CT
Two-day workshop, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Early-Bird Registration Deadline:  Wednesday November 17, 2010
Maximum Enrollment:  15
Cost:  Early-Bird/Regular
SAA Members:  $295/ $385
Employees of Member Institutions:  $335/$385
Nonmember:  $375/395
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Circle of Learning Scholarship

Application information is now available for Circle of Learning scholarships, designed for American Indians and Alaska Natives who are interested in earning a Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) degree.  The program is a partnership between the San Jose School of Library and Information Science (SLIS) and the American Indian Library Association (AILA), and is made possible by a generous grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).

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Librarian John Cotton Dana Featured in Upcoming Progra,

“Made in Newark: Cultivating Industrial Arts and Civic Identity in the Progressive Era”
Sunday, August 15, 2:00 pm

Program Description:  Author Ezra Shales will read from his new book and discuss the achievements of Woodstock’s John Cotton Dana in turning the American museum and library into an accessible and participatory arena. Dana framed the newest lurid comic books in his institution’s hallways to seduce adolescents into becoming readers and also argued that the preservation of the remnants of the Colonial past was imperative, thereby reconciling innovation and conservation in ways that is remarkable and still relevant today. Shales’ new book will be available for purchase and signing after the event.

General Admission: $5.00

Woodstock History Center Members:  Free

For more information, contact:
Jennie Shurtleff
Education Coordinator
Woodstock History Center
Woodstock, VT

Call for Papers: History of State Libraries

State Library Agencies: A Special Issue of Libraries & The Cultural Record

Libraries & The Cultural Record, a peer-reviewed journal of history published by the University of Texas Press, invites submissions for a special issue devoted to exploring historical perspectives on state library agencies in the United States. Contributors are encouraged to consider the topic in diverse ways. Possible themes might include (but are not limited to):

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