Check Out the Parks Free!

State Parks and the Department of Libraries have created a free day pass for every public library in Vermont, granting free admission to Vermont state parks. Passes will be mailed to public libraries before opening day for the parks, which is May 25, 2009. Each library can set its own policies around circulation and use. For the full press release,

Amy Howlett
Vermont Department of Libraries

The Beatles Had It Right

Sometimes we just need a little help from our friends.  You may be a new librarian who feels at sea.   Or you may have a library project or issue that you would like to talk with another professional about.  The Vermont Library Association can help you connect with people who can help you out.  Over a dozen VLA members from all over the state have agreed to act as a mentor for public librarians.  Contact Lucinda Walker 802-649-1184 if you would like to find a mentor in your area.

National Library Week April 12-18

How are your plans coming for celebrating National Library Week this year, April 12-18? WCAX/ Channel 3 is broadcasting Vermont librarians Debbie Landauer and Amy Howlett booktalking some public library favorites on Monday, April 13 following the noon news. Their annotated list is online at . Feel free to use this list any way you like—for bookmarks, local articles, handouts, etc.

For more ideas, free radio PSAs and model letters to the editor, check out the American Library Association at . New York Times best selling author and actress Jamie Lee Curtis is the Honorary Chair of National Library Week 2009.

Amy Howlett
VT Department of Libraries
(802) 463-0142

New Listerv for Librarians Who Work with Children and Young Adults!!

Hello, all:

Vermont now has a listserv especially for librarians who work with children and teens! We are calling it VTYAC to keep in line with PUBYAC, a long standing listserv for children’s and young adult librarians. This list will be a great way for us to communicate about programming, policies, issues, room set-up, stumpers, book selection, in fact anything that you want that has to do with youth services.

How do you join? Ask me to add you to the list! Just reply to this email, and you will be magically added!

Hope to hear from you soon.

Grace Worcester Greene
Children’s Services Consultant
Vermont Department of Libraries
109 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05609
Fax: 802-828-1481

Green Mountain Book Award: voting for this year and new list for next

Hello, all: The Green Mountain Book Award committee, under the able leadership of Hannah Peacock, Chair, has announced the new masterlist for the 2009-2010 school year. You can find it here: You will find a good variety of books for students in grades 9-12, both young adult and adult books. As always, the books are all available in paperback. DOL will again have multiple copies for you to borrow by the summer.

Also, start thinking about getting your votes in for this year’s list. The voting deadline is May 1. The forms (for both students and teachers) are on the website above.

Grace Worcester Greene
Children’s Services Consultant
Vermont Department of Libraries
109 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05609
Fax: 802-828-1481

FREE State-Wide Webinar: Creating a Customer-Focused Culture in Your Library

Open to all library staff, trustees, friends, and other interested parties.

April 24th, 2009 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Visit the NELINET Event Details for more information.
Contact C&SL Section President Larraby Fellows to RSVP
and to get login information.

Various college and university libraries that will be attending/broadcasting the presentation have volunteered to open their doors to interested community members and library staff who cannot attend from their own facility. More information will be made available through the VLA listserv.