The Big Read–Fahrenheit 451

The Vermont Arts Council is again participating in the project of the National Endowment of the Arts called The Big Read. The book chosen for 2009 is Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, a searing indictment of censorship. The Council will provide schools and libraries with ten copies of Fahrenheit 451 plus teacher’s guides, audio guides, and a supply of reader’s guides. (If you want to order more copies of the book, the Arts Council has a very affordable source.)

Each school or library can determine how to best use this opportunity and resources. Since the project spans January-May 2009, the book can be integrated into your programming anytime this winter.

For more information, or to sign up see:

A tip: the email on the site for the contact person, Lindy Harty, has a period at the end which you have to remove to make the email work.

Theresa Faust adds that the Vermont Department of Libraries has Fahrenheit 451 in both large print and talking book formats!

Jessamyn West adds: “New Hampshire read this book last year. So anyone needing extra copies of the book can go ask a NH library. They made a little blog for the project

Also Debra Edmands tell me that for either $5 or $10 plus shipping, a library may rent 15 copies of this book for a 2 month period from Talking About Books. See for more info.

Grace Worcester Greene
Children’s Services Consultant
Vermont Department of Libraries
109 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05609
Fax: 802-828-1481

Boston Fundraising Summit

The Center for Nonprofit Success is pleased to invite you to the Fundraising Summit taking place in Boston, MA on December 9-10, 2008. The Boston Summit features a panel of grantmakers and experienced fundraisers in each of the breakout sessions. The
sessions will explore creative ways to raise money from grants, sponsorships, individual gifts, as well as other funding sources. For charities that are looking for new funding sources, the event is not to be missed.

Please feel free to forward this invitation to fundraisers who may be interested in attending.

Sincerely, Ivor Heyman

Executive Director
Center for Nonprofit Success

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Traveling Doll and Book Exhibit Available to Borrow

Please know that there is a traveling doll and book exhibit available to borrow for free beginning March 2009. This is particularly great for public and school libraries.

It is free to borrow and is sponsored by Region 15 of the United Federation of Doll Clubs (an international non-profit educational organization). Region 15 consists of Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire. Items in the collection consist of cloth dolls, plush animals and children’s books. Characters from the books are represented by the dolls and animals in the exhibit. It was started in 1999 and has made many stops  in the New England area.

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ACRL/NEC Scholarships and Awards Available

Let your ACRL/NEC reward you! Apply for a scholarship or submit a research paper.

The ACRL/NEC Scholarships & Awards Committee has opportunities for students, library staff and librarians.

There are scholarships to attend:

  • ACRL National, Seattle WA, March 2009
  • ACRL/NEC Annual Conference, Worcester MA, May 2009
  • A continuing education program of your choice

ACRL/NEC is also offering an award for Best Research Paper.

Apply today! More information and application forms:

Nancy George
Chair, ACRL/NEC Scholarships and Awards Committee
Electronic Resources Librarian
Salem State College
352 Lafayette St.
Salem, MA 01970 USA
978.542.7182 (voice)

Time to Think About Renewing Your Membership for 2009!

To all current members, thank you for being a member of the Vermont Libraries Association in 2008.

VLA Memberships are on a calendar year basis.  Please add us to your To-Do lists.

Your membership helps support efforts to promote libraries, literacy and intellectual freedom.  As a member you receive timely letters from the VLA President, notice of VLA programs designed to expand your knowledge and help you become better acquainted with librarians across the state. You have a voice in the association and a vote in the annual meeting.
You are also eligible for discounted registration at VLA events including the annual Vermont Library Conference.  VLA members also get a 20% tuition reduction at Drexel University Online.

We can’t do it without you!

Please renew your membership for the year 2009! The PDF VLA Membership Form is available with other membership information in the VLA Info column to your left.
