The Vermont Community Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of grants to help Vermont nonprofit organizations affected by Tropical Storm Irene. Online applications are available on our website.
Category Archives: News
News of interest to the Vermont library community
FEMA Helps People With Disabilities Access Disaster Assistance
BURLINGTON, Vt – To help entire communities recover from Tropical Storm Irene’s flooding, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Vermont Emergency Management are working to make sure people with disabilities and those with access and functional needs have equal access to disaster assistance programs.
An Evening Without: Giving Voice to the Silenced
The ACLU of Vermont presents An Evening Without: Giving Voice to the Silenced, Sunday, Sept. 25, 7:00 pm, Big Picture Theater, Waitsfield. Vermont writers read from works that have been challenged, censored, or banned. This event is held during Banned Books Week (September 24-October 1) in celebration of the First Amendment. Admission by donation.
Featured readers are Lisa Alther, Philip Baruth, Emily Bernard, Rusty DeWees, David Goodman, Tanya Lee Stone, and Eric Zencey; emcee is Allen Gilbert, ACLU-VT executive director.
They will be reading from works by Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, George Orwell, Katherine Paterson, John Steinbeck, Mark Twain, and Kurt Vonnegut.
For more information, go to
Request for Public Comment on Broadband and Fiber Optic Expansion
SUMMARY: The Vermont Telecommunications Authority (VTA) is seeking public input on issues affecting high-speed Internet coverage in Vermont, and how the VTA can best support broadband expansion using state funds appropriated in its FY2012 capital appropriation. In addition to comments related to broadband generally, comments specifically on expansion of fiber optic facilities are also being solicited. Comments must be received by October 6, 2011.
Society of American Archivists Disaster Recovery Grants
The Society of American Archivists offers small grants of up to $2,000 to aid in disaster recovery efforts for institutions holding historical or archival records. Please share this link with any colleagues in need:
Gregory Sanford
Vermont State Archives and Records Administration
(802) 828-2369
Getting Vital Information to the Public
Greetings all.
We have heard from many of you over the past 10 days and recognize what an amazing group of people we have in the Vermont library world! So many of you have become emergency response centers or stayed open additional hours or just listened to people who are confused or in shock after Hurrican Irene. As a new resident in Vermont it has been a real eye-opener about this state.
FEMA Public Assistance Applicant Briefings – Tropical Storm Irene
The Vermont Agency of Transportation will be holding applicant briefings for communities in counties granted a Public Assistance disaster declaration following floods from Tropical Storm Irene. Attendance at this meeting is required to receive FEMA funding. Every Vermont county except Grand Isle has received a Public Assistance disaster declaration.
Disaster Assistance Information Available
Last week the President made a declaration of major disaster for Vermont in the counties of Chittenden County, Rutland County, Washington County, and Windsor County due to Hurricane Irene and flooding associated with the storm. Below is some informational materials on floods and how can help survivors. For your convenience the flood flyer is also in Spanish. Please post so your patrons can have the most up to date information on how to apply for federal assistance. If you have any questions contact Alicia Gilligham as noted below.
Steps To Applying For FEMA Assistance
Vermonters recovering from the impact of Tropical Storm Irene in Chittenden, Rutland, Washington, Windham, Windsor counties can now apply for disaster assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
VT Collections Salvage and Recovery Resources from NEDCC
Vermonters, NEDCC is here to help!
The Northeast Document Conservation Center is actively working with the
VT State Library, VT State Archives, and other VT institutions
responding to Hurricane Irene to distribute information about options
for salvage and recovery of cultural collections.
NEDCC has gathered resources including disaster assistance hotlines,
disaster recovery and remediation services, and collections care
Follow this link:
Please print and distribute to those without power or internet.
Northeast Document Conservation Center
Andover, MA