2009 Public Libraries and the Internet Study

The 2009 Public Libraries and the Internet Study (as part of the Public Library Funding & Technology Access Study) funded by the American Library Association and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was opened to libraries for participation September 8, 2009. The project is managed and directed by Denise Davis and Larra Clark of the ALA Office of Research and Statistics, and the survey is directed by John Bertot at the University of Maryland College Park’s Center for Library & Information Innovation.

Results from the 2008 survey have already been coming out these last months to inform the Broadband Stimulus debates, library assistance with jobs, and library assistance with e-government. You can find recently released issue briefs and other useful data at the study website (http://www.ala.org/plinternetfunding). The current context makes the data from these surveys even more important, and we hope you will participate in this year’s survey so that this information is complete and widely available.

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Vermont Library Trustee Association Annual Conference

The VLTA Annual Conference, scheduled for October 17, at Vermont College of Fine Arts, Montpelier, VT.

“Please make sure that each of your trustees gets a copy of this flyer and encourage them to attend this event. This year the conference will challenge trustees to think about the future of libraries, and will introduce them (or re-introduce, in some cases) to current social networking and technology tools. Keynote speaker Stephen Spohn of NELINET will make a presentation on trends in technology, education and libraries and will explore what the future holds for us. ”
Martha Reid, Vermont State Librarian

To register for the conference please go to:

Special Shipwreck Webcast Offers Interactive Opportunity

The Lake Champlain Maritime Museum (LCMM) is expanding our popular Shipwrecks! program with a live webcast of the shipwrecked schooner Sarah Ellen on November 5, 2009 at 10:00am (EST). This FREE hour-long broadcast will take you deep under the cold dark waters of Lake Champlain where you’ll hear the tragic story of the schooner’s sinking in the winter of 1860. Then meet our nautical archaeologists who tell of her underwater discovery in 1989. See footage captured by a remotely operated vehicle (ROV), over 300 feet below the surface. And, since this will be broadcast live, we’ll be able to take your questions via email! It’s a great program for all ages: families, teachers, students, entire classrooms, and life-long learners.

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Looking for a Mentor? Want to Be a Mentor?

ALA has launched MentorConnect in ALA Connect so you can find or become a mentor.

MentorConnect (”MC”) allows ALA members to create mentoring profiles that highlight their expertise and experience. After they’ve joined MC, ALA members can search for a mentor using a variety of criteria (gender, type of library, ethnicity, etc.) and request mentorship. Once created, the mentorship is tracked within MC, with a space for providing and archiving feedback. The system will prompt mentors and mentorees every few months to ensure they are staying in touch.

To learn all about this new service, see Mentoring Starter Questions and Mentoring and MentorConnect FAQ at (http://www.students.ala.org/studentmemberblog/?p=344)

Don Wood
Program Officer
Chapter Relations Office
American Libraries Association
1-800-545-2433, ext. 2429

New England Library Association Annual Conference



Annual Conference Offerings & Registration

NELA Membership Registration

Dear Colleagues,

I don’t want you to miss the next New England Library Association (NELA) Annual Conference this coming October 18 – 20. The fall is a busy time for us all but it is also a good chance to refresh and renew by planning time to attend the conference.

We offer many presentations, events and exhibitors that represent a variety of interests. Here are just a few:

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Grants for Book Clubs Serving Underserved Teens

The American Library Association (ALA) Public Programs Office and the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) are now accepting applications for the next round of Great Stories CLUB grants. Electronic applications for the reading and discussion series will be accepted through Nov. 2 at www.ala.org/greatstories. Funding was provided for this program by Oprah’s Angel Network.

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Important information about ARRA funding for libraries

Please make sure that this information gets to your library director immediately:

The Department of Libraries is working with other organizations at a fast pace to submit two applications to ARRA (for federal stimulus broadband funds) by August 14.

Libraries who want to be included need to act immediately. Please read below.

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Live Demo of Evergreen with Equinox

The Howe Library in Hanover, NH will be hosting a live demo of Evergreen with Equinox:

Thursday, August 13
9:30 – 11:30

We learned from the Koha/LibLime demo that it takes almost two hours to cover the background of the company, OPAC, and circulation.

Those interested in acquisitions and other items might need to stay longer.

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Free Financial Fraud Workshop for VT Libraries

Fraud occurs in Vermont. And when it happens, it can have a devastating impact. This impact is felt by the person defrauded, their family, as well as by the entire community. The FINRA Investor Education Foundation, a non-profit organization, has launched an antifraud campaign to combat investment fraud in Vermont. The Foundation is working with AARP VT, the State of Vermont, and local Vermont organizations, including Vermont Public Television and the Community of Vermont Elders (“COVE”). As part of this project, the Foundation has developed a research-based curriculum to present to small and large groups. The presentation teaches Vermonters that they can be at risk for financial fraud, how to spot the “tactics” that fraudsters use in defrauding people, and the simple tools they can use to defend themselves against investment fraud. We are especially concerned about Vermonters aged 55+ who are specifically targeted.

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