Library Journal Nomination Deadlines

Librarians, please note:

1) 2009 Best Small Library in America Nomination postmark deadline is Nov. 3;

2) 2009 Movers & Shakers Nomination submission deadline is Nov. 10;

3) 2009 Librarian of the Year Nomination deadline has been extended to Nov. 17;

The first award is only for public libraries (those serving populations of 25,000 or less). But the librarians in Movers & Shakers and Librarian of the Year are professionals working in any libraries, school, college, academic, or special.

Amy Howlett
VT Department of Libraries

Materials for publicizing Green Mountain Care health insurance sent to public libraries


Green Mountain Care is the family of health insurance plans offered by the
State of Vermont and its partners.

The Office of Vermont Health Access has sent by US mail a packet of
promotional materials and a letter from State Librarian, Martha Reid
requesting public libraries’ assistance in this important effort to make
health care coverage available to all Vermonters.

You can obtain additional materials, through the Green Mountain Care
Outreach Center at and can direct uninsured
Vermonters to call 1-800-250-8427 or visit

Sheila M Kearns
Director, Information Technology Services
Vermont Dept. of Libraries
109 State St.
Montpelier, VT 05609

NELINET Public Library Symposium

NELINET Public Library Symposium 2008: A Look to the Future
December 5, 2008 – 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, MA

NELINET is pleased to announce a special program geared specifically for public library directors, trustees, and decision-makers. NELINET’s Public Library Symposium: A Look to the Future will feature a host of dynamic speakers that will provide insight to help guide your library’s “vision” for the future. The well-rounded and informative program includes former Library Journal Librarian of the Year, Raymond Santiago, Director of the Miami-Dade Public Library, whose presentation “Helping Public Libraries Find Their Voice” will provide you with ideas on how best to advocate for your library.

Spend the day with public librarians from all around New England at a unique and convenient location. You’ll return to your library with new ideas and inspiration that will move you and your library into the future with confidence.

Read more

Public Library Salaries

As public libraries enter the budget writing season, the Personnel Committee of the Vermont Library Association urges library directors to take a hard look at staff salaries. Here are three points to keep in mind:

* Qualified library directors should be making at least $40,300 annually, or $19.38 per hour, as recommended by the Vermont Library Association Executive Board.
* If the library does not pay for medical insurance, offer compensatory leave or a lump sum payment instead.
* At a minimum, increase staff wages by the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) as set by the Social Security Administration annually in October. The increase for 2009 is 5.8%.

Check the budget memo below for more details. Share the information with library trustees as you build the annual budget.Read more

Library Services for 50+ Adults are Focus of New England Institute

Dear Public Library Colleagues,

I am including (below) an announcement for an upcoming Lifelong Access Libraries Leadership Institute focusing on Library Service for 50+ Adults to be held December 1-2 in Newton, Mass. Attendance is limited; interested libraries can apply to send a library director, library trustee or adult services librarian. Winning applicants will receive funding to cover travel, meals and lodging for one night. Details, and a link to the application form, are below. Application deadline: November 14, 2008.

The demographic projections for Vermont tell us that our population of older citizens will grow more rapidly than other age group. Services to seniors, including enrichment programming, will be more important than ever in our state’s public libraries.

I encourage all interested libraries to learn more about this opportunity and to consider submitting an application.

Martha Reid
State Librarian
Vermont Department of Libraries
109 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05609-0601
Tel: (802) 828-3265

Read more

2008 National Survey of Public Library Funding and Technology Access – UPDATE

Hello everyone,

We’re getting close to the 60% response rate for this survey, but aren’t quite there, yet.  We’re really getting down to the wire, though.   The survey closes NOVEMBER 7, 2008, which is less than 2 weeks, now.

A minimum of 60% is required for the team to be able to analyze the state individually.  It is important to receive as many responses as possible from sampled libraries, as they were chosen for the sample specifically based on the proportionality of the various metropolitan areas and poverty levels in the state. Go to to complete your survey.

We’re doing much better than in past years.  Thank you to everyone who’s completed or nearly completed the survey.  Great job.

Thank you again for all of your help, and please contact me with any questions you may have.

Rob Geiszler
Vermont Department of Libraries

Standards applications and 2008 Public Library Reports – DEADLINE

This is a FRIENDLY reminder that November 10 is not so far away. Why is that significant? Because that’s the due date for the 2008 Minimum Standards Application and the 2008 Public Library Report for all Vermont public libraries. Please mail them to me:Rob Geiszler
Vermont Department of Libraries
271 North Main Street
Rutland, VT 05701

These should be postmarked on or before November 10, 2008.

Read more

UPDATE: 2008 National Survey of Public Library Funding and Technology Access

Hello everyone,

As of this morning, 46 sampled libraries in Vermont have completed the 2008 National Survey of Public Library Funding and Technology Access, which is a 29.5% response rate.

However, a total of 60 libraries have responded, either completely or in progress in Vermont, yielding a 38.5% response rate. It’s getting there!

As I have stated in the past, a minimum of 60% is required for the team to be able to analyze the state individually. It is important to receive as many responses as possible from sampled libraries, as they were chosen for the sample specifically based on the proportionality of the various metropolitan areas and poverty levels in the state. Go to to complete your survey.

We’re doing much better than in past years. Thank you to everyone who’s completed or nearly completed the survey. Great job.

The survey closes NOVEMBER 7, 2008, which allows just under 4 weeks for responses.

Thank you again for all of your help, and please contact me with any questions you may have.

Rob Geiszler


Winnie Belle Learned grants available for public libraries

Vermont Public Library Foundation Grants Funded by the Winnie Belle Learned Fund
Deadline for applications: December 15, 2008
Application and information available at:


Background and Biography

The Winnie Belle Learned Fund is a fund created in 2007 by Dr. Burnett Rawson in honor of Winnie Belle Learned, a Vermont educator and his benefactress. Born in 1863 in Westford, Vermont, Ms. Learned worked through many personal hardships to earn her teaching certificate.

Read more

Workshop: Marketing for Libraries

Marketing for Libraries
Thursday December 4, 2008
9:30 am – noon
Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston

Participants will learn the basic steps of creating a marketing plan using information from “Crash Course in Marketing for Libraries” by Susan Webreck Alman and the Certified Public Library Administration marketing course taught by Wayne Piper. Guest speaker Elizabeth Bluemle, co-owner of the Flying Pig Book Store, will share book store tips for merchandising and marketing outside and within the building. Bring along examples of your successful library marketing experiences to share with the group.

It is highly recommended that participants purchase and review “Crash Course in Marketing for Libraries” by Susan Webreck Alman before attending the workshop. ($30, ISBN-10: 1591584302, ISBN-13: 978-1591584308) This book outlines a marketing plan in less than 58 pages, with several appendices of real-life examples.

Contact Marti Fiske for information and to register, or 802-878-4918. This workshop is sponsored by the Public Libraries Section of the Vermont Library Association.