VLA Technical Services Section Meeting

Save The Date! The VLA Technical Services Section formerly the Cataloging Roundtable) will be meeting on January 15th, 2014 from 10:00-noon at Midstate Regional Library in Berlin.

Please email section president Christine Webb (cwebb@burlingtonvt.gov) with topics you’d like to discuss.

The Many Hats of Technical Services – NETSL Annual Spring Conference 2013

REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN for the New England Technical Services Librarians’ 2013 Spring Conference: “The Many Hats of Technical Services,” which will be held April 12th at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA. Visit http://netsl.wordpress.com/netslconference/2013con/  for more details on the exciting program we’re developing. Space is limited so be sure to register early.Only advance registrations will be accepted, no walk-ins.

This year, we would like to hear your opinion on what to serve for the conference lunch.  The Hogan Lunch Buffet at the College of Holy Cross allows up to two entrees to be selected.  We will offer one vegetarian option.  Please vote for your preference for the second choice at http://tinyurl.com/c5gg3rc.

Vermont Cataloging Roundtable Fall Meeting

We’re pleased to announce the Vermont Cataloging Roundtable Fall Meeting on Thursday, Nov. 8th from 9:30am-12:00pm at DOL Midstate Library!

This revival meeting will be somewhat informal, but we are looking for topics to discuss and issues to address. Please reply to the list with ideas, or feel free to email Amber Billey and/or Helen Linda  directly.

If you haven’t already, join our GoogleGroup:


And visit our website:


Look forward to seeing everyone in November!

Book Mending Workshop

Book Mending
Wednesday, July 11, 9:30-11:30
Deerfield Valley Elementary School, Wilmington

Learn basic book mending techniques with Ellen Allman in a two hour, hands-on workshop. A trained and experienced book mender, Ellen will discuss when to mend and when to discard or send to a professional. Bring books which need repairing and, if you have them, basic book mending materials for discussion. Each session is limited to fifteen people in order to offer effective instruction.


Mara Siegel
Continuing Education Coordinator
Vermont Department of Libraries
(802) 828-2727

Cataloging & Organization of Library Materials for Better Access

It is with great pleasure that I can now announce that everything has come together for DOL’s 5-day cataloging workshop for directors and staff of public libraries.
Cataloging & Organization of Library Materials for Better Access
A five-day, concentrated, practical workshop for beginners and for public librarians who are cataloging but have had little or no formal training. The DEWEY DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION and the LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SUBJECT HEADINGS will be the basic working tools. MARC cataloging and computerized cataloging services will be covered. Because this type of workshop requires a great deal of individualized instruction, participation in each session will be limited to 16 people.
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Cataloging & Organization of Library Materials for Better Access

It is with great pleasure that I can now announce that everything has come together for DOL’s 5-day cataloging workshop for directors and staff of public libraries.

Cataloging & Organization of Library Materials for Better Access

A five-day, concentrated, practical workshop for beginners and for public librarians who are cataloging but have had little or no formal training. The DEWEY DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION and the LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SUBJECT HEADINGS will be the basic working tools. MARC cataloging and computerized cataloging services will be covered. Because this type of workshop requires a great deal of individualized instruction, participation in each session will be limited to 16 people.

Read more

iLibrary: Digital Futures for Libraries

NETSL Annual Spring Conference Program 2012
iLibrary: Digital Futures for Libraries
Thursday, May 3rd, 2012
College of Holy Cross, Worcester, MA

Registration closes Monday April 23. Space is limited for this exciting program. Please note that only advanced registrations will be accepted this year.

Online Registration

Mail-In Registration Form


The full program is can be viewed at: http://nelib.org/netsl/2012conference

Vermont Library Conference Workshop Proposals Due Nov. 1

Workshop proposals for the 2012 Vermont Library Conference are due to the conference committee by November 1.  There is no set theme as of yet, so proposals could be on any topic that might be of interest to academic, public and school librarians.  Please send your ideas and proposals to jnapier@kellogghubbard.org Let us know what you’d like to see and we’ll do our best to get it on the schedule!

Free RDA Cataloging Webinars

The American Library Association is hosting several free webinars about the new cataloging code, RDA (Resource Description and Access), which will be implemented within the next year. The webinar “Introducing the RDA Toolkit Virtual User Group” will be held on Wednesday October 5, 2011 and is designed for beginners who need an introduction to the new code and toolkit. “RDA Toolkit Essentials” will be held on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 and is designed for those who already have some familiarity with RDA and would like to learn more. For information about the new code and webinars, refer to the RDA Toolkit website at:http://www.rdatoolkit.org/