The Beatles Had It Right

Sometimes we just need a little help from our friends.  You may be a new librarian who feels at sea.   Or you may have a library project or issue that you would like to talk with another professional about.  The Vermont Library Association can help you connect with people who can help you out.  Over a dozen VLA members from all over the state have agreed to act as a mentor for public librarians.  Contact Lucinda Walker 802-649-1184 if you would like to find a mentor in your area.

FREE State-Wide Webinar: Creating a Customer-Focused Culture in Your Library

Open to all library staff, trustees, friends, and other interested parties.

April 24th, 2009 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Visit the NELINET Event Details for more information.
Contact C&SL Section President Larraby Fellows to RSVP
and to get login information.

Various college and university libraries that will be attending/broadcasting the presentation have volunteered to open their doors to interested community members and library staff who cannot attend from their own facility. More information will be made available through the VLA listserv.

VLTA PROGRAMS AT 2009 Town Officers Educational Conferences

The Vermont Library Trustees Association (VLTA), the trustees section of the Vermont Library Association, in conjunction with the Department of Libraries will again offer a series of workshops for trustees and librarians during the spring Town Officers Educational Conferences. TOECs are sponsored by the Vermont Institute for Government, with organizational help from the UVM Extension Service which will mail a registration packet to each library in spring, 2009. If you have any questions, please contact your regional librarian.

To register for any of the TOECs, find the form online at $60 online cost includes morning coffee and lunch. Register online and save $5.00 per registrant!

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Call for Nominations for Vermont Library Association Awards for 2009

There are so many fabulous librarians and trustees in Vermont that it is always hard to single out just one of each annually, but there are always ones who are extraordinary and deserved to be recognized statewide. Now is the time for you to think about who VLA should recognize this year at the Vermont Library Conference, and nominate those deserving colleagues.

VLA is now accepting nominations for two awards:

1) The 2009 Sarah C. Hagar Award which is for outstanding service in or significant contribution to the field of librarianship in Vermont. Nominees must be working in a Vermont library and a member of VLA.

2)The 2009 Trustee of the Year Award for achievement by a trustee on behalf of his or her library, either during the previous year or during his/her years of service.

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Vermont Library Trustee Association Conference


A reminder that the Vermont Library Association Annual Trustee Conference is scheduled for November 8th at the Rutland Free Library. The agenda for the day will be an address from our new State Librarian, Martha Reid, presentation by Gail Weymouth, Chair of the VLA Intellectual Freedom Committee, and a special presentation by library consultant Lawrence Webster. Lawrence, as some of you may know, is an independent public library consultant specializing in communications, public relations, Friends, board development and strategic planning. Lawrence’s presentation will provide trustees and librarians with practical advice on securing strong community and financial support for their libraries. Advice especially critical in these tough economic times.

Please remember that this is the one annual event that VLA sponsors for public library trustees and we encourage as many trustees and library staff to attend.

If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you

Michael Roche
Northeast Regional Library
23 Tilton Road
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819

VT Library Confidentiality Act Panel

Vermont Law Review Symposium

OCTOBER 17, 2008

This symposium,sponsored by the Vermont Law Review, features keynote speaker Louis Fisher, constitutional law scholar with the Library of Congress and an expert in national security issues who is often called upon to testify before Congress. His newest book, 9/11 and the Constitution,  was released in August. Expert panels will discuss a variety of topics including immigration, environmental law, protecting library records, and the right to dissent

8:30 OPENING REMARKS by Geoffrey Shields

8: 45 – Vermont Library Patron’s Confidentiality Act
Gail Weymouth, Chairwoman of the VT Library Association Intellectual Freedom Committee
Jane Woldow, Vermont Law School Librarian
Retta Dunlop, Executive Director of Vermonters for Better EducationRead more

Beyond Survival: Thriving in Hard Times

This annual statewide conference for trustees and librarians is sponsored by the Vermont Library Trustees Association with help from the Vermont Department of Libraries. 

Saturday November 8, 2008
9:30 am-3:00 pm (coffee and registration at 9:00)
Rutland Free Library, 10 Court Street, Rutland, VT

A community is not just a place, but a set of relationships. In Vermont, where small town libraries abound, not knowing the local movers-and-shakers or building partnerships, weakens the library’s community standing and encourages claims of irrelevance. In tough economic times people depend heavily on their public library for help. Our session today will focus on building support for your public library that will help to sustain you in both good and hard times.  For a complete program description and a registration form click on the following link:  Beyond Survival Thriving in Hard Times.

Attorney General's opinion and other new statute guidelines.(revised)

What follows is the gist of the Attorney General’s opinion on the new confidentiality statute.

  1. Public libraries must keep records of patrons 16 or older confidential unless the patron waives that right.
  2. Public libraries have “limited discretion” expanding the scope of confidentiality of library records. The opinion says they must disclose the records of patrons under 16 if requested by parents.
  3. Read more

Attorney General’s opinion and other new statute guidelines.(revised)

What follows is the gist of the Attorney General’s opinion on the new confidentiality statute.

  1. Public libraries must keep records of patrons 16 or older confidential unless the patron waives that right.
  2. Public libraries have “limited discretion” expanding the scope of confidentiality of library records. The opinion says they must disclose the records of patrons under 16 if requested by parents.
  3. Read more

New Confidentiality Statute

Librarians have many questions about the new Confidentiality Statute that becomes effective July 1, 2008.

State Librarian, Sybil McShane asked the Attorney General to review the law in reference to existing statutes and in consideration of some of the questions we have. Once the AG’s office has reported back we will provide more specific guidelines for implementation to all VLA members, VT Libraries and Trustees. VLAIFC will offer policy writing workshops throughout the state for the above mentioned groups in the near future.

An updated sample public library privacy and confidentiality policy is available on the website as part of the Intellectual Freedom Toolkit. It can also be found at

Keep watching the VLA website for more information.

Gail Weymouth

VLAIFC chair

802 422 9765