Vermont Public Library Trustees & Friends 2013 Annual Conference

Saturday November 2   9:00 am   —  3:00 pm
Vermont Statehouse State Street Montpelier, VT
Registration is now open: (DEADLINE October 25)
Plan to join us at the Statehouse for an energy-filled day of inspiring and informative speakers and networking to help the board, staff and Friends with effective governance, fundraising,  advocacy, social media and more.
Keynote Speaker:
Stuart  Comstock-Gay, President and CEO of the Vermont Community Foundation. 

  • Breakout sessions for trustees and friends (and librarians!) on a variety of topics throughout the day, including:
  • Paul Gillies on Vermont libraries and the law. One of the authors of The Law of Public Libraries, former Deputy Secretary of State and a Montpelier attorney, Mr. Gillies has many years’ experience in municipal law and is well-versed in topics of interest to public library trustees and directors.
  • Rob Fish of the Vermont Council on Rural Development and the Vermont Digital Economy Project on social media tools for libraries.
  • And wait, wait, don’t forget the Annual Trivia Contest with prizes!
  • And of course there will be coffee, lunch, networking with your peers from around the state and more.
  • 20% discount for each attendee when 3 or more attend from one library
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    Vermont Public Library Trustees & Friends 2013 Annual Conference

    Saturday November 2   9:00 am   —  3:00 pm
    Vermont Statehouse State Street Montpelier, VT

    Registration is now open: (DEADLINE October 25)

    Plan to join us at the Statehouse for an energy-filled day of inspiring and informative speakers and networking to help the board, staff and Friends with effective governance, fundraising,  advocacy, social media and more.

    Keynote Speaker:
    Stuart  Comstock-Gay, President and CEO of the Vermont Community Foundation. 

    • Breakout sessions for trustees and friends (and librarians!) on a variety of topics throughout the day, including:
    • Paul Gillies on Vermont libraries and the law. One of the authors of The Law of Public Libraries, former Deputy Secretary of State and a Montpelier attorney, Mr. Gillies has many years’ experience in municipal law and is well-versed in topics of interest to public library trustees and directors.
    • Rob Fish of the Vermont Council on Rural Development and the Vermont Digital Economy Project on social media tools for libraries.
  • And wait, wait, don’t forget the Annual Trivia Contest with prizes!
  • And of course there will be coffee, lunch, networking with your peers from around the state and more.
  • 20% discount for each attendee when 3 or more attend from one library

    Read more

    Vermont Library Association Statement in Support of Recently Laid Off St. Johnsbury Athenaeum Library Staff

    On December 7, 2012, the Vermont library community was shocked and dismayed at the decision of the Board of Directors of the St. Johnsbury Athenaeum to lay off its entire library staff in the name of restructuring. While the Vermont Library Association understands the Board’s responsibility for setting direction for their library during a time of financial stress, now, more than ever, Vermonters need libraries–and librarians. The Vermont Library Association feels that the board’s actions demonstrate a devaluation of libraries and the library professionals capable of leading them through a time of intense change in information resources and society. Librarians are not replaced by the Internet–their skills and training enrich the Internet and facilitate access for all Vermonters.

    “As President of the Vermont Library Association, an educational organization that works to develop, promote, and improve library and information services and librarianship in the State of Vermont, I hope the entire library community will join us in support of libraries and librarians everywhere, specifically in St. Johnsbury at this time.” states Deborah Gadwah-Lambert.

    The Vermont Library Association would like to express support to all the dedicated St. Johnsbury library staff capably serving the local community.

    To express your support as well, consider these steps:

    Step One: Contact the Athenaeum Executive Director, Matthew Powers and Board Vice-President, Gil Steil to express your concerns. Send email to or call 802-748-8291.

    Step Two: Join the Vermont Library Association, Rural Librarians Unite, and the citizens of St. Johnsbury on the steps of the Athenaeum to “hug” the library, Saturday, January 12th at noon. We will be holding hands around the library in solidarity with Athenaeum library staff.

    Town Officers' Education Conference 2012 – April 4, 10, & 18

    Dear Librarians and Trustees:
    The dates are set! Please put it in your calendar and plan to attend one the 2012 Town Officers’ Education Conference days next April.  Please forward this to your Board of Trustees.
    Details on the Library and other programs will be sent out early in 2012.
    TOEC 2012   Dates/Locations:
    Wednesday, April 4 – Hilton, Burlington
    Tuesday, April 10 – Lake Morey Inn, Fairlee
    Wednesday, April 18 – Rutland/Killington Holiday Inn, Rutland
    Best regards,
    Christine Friese
    Assistant State Librarian
    Department of Libraries

    Town Officers’ Education Conference 2012 – April 4, 10, & 18

    Dear Librarians and Trustees:

    The dates are set! Please put it in your calendar and plan to attend one the 2012 Town Officers’ Education Conference days next April.  Please forward this to your Board of Trustees.

    Details on the Library and other programs will be sent out early in 2012.

    TOEC 2012   Dates/Locations:

    Wednesday, April 4 – Hilton, Burlington
    Tuesday, April 10 – Lake Morey Inn, Fairlee
    Wednesday, April 18 – Rutland/Killington Holiday Inn, Rutland

    Best regards,

    Christine Friese
    Assistant State Librarian
    Department of Libraries