Celebrate Vermont Libraries party at the VT Library Conference

The Vermont Library Conference is fast-approaching. The conference committee needs your help getting out invitations for our guests to the advocacy cocktail reception at the end of the first day. In addition to all conference participants (and we hope you’ll register and be one of them) we are inviting a number of guests including legislators, principals, college presidents, superintendents, and library trustees/board members. We still need to get out invites to this last group and it is difficult for us to identify these individuals. So if you can, please print out an invite and pass it along to your library trustees and board members. We can’t attach documents to messages on this listserv, but you can follow this link to the invitation pdf and print it out. The link is: http://www.vermontlibraryconference.org/Docs/Invitation.pdf

A number of libraries have responded to our call to offer displays at the party. There will be a mix of posters, videos, and slide shows that will illustrate how libraries impact the lives of their users. Now all we need are the right people there to see what we do. So please help us get out the word and pass along the invitation or speak directly to our potential guests so we can make this a truly special celebration of Vermont libraries.

Thank you,
Brenda Ellis
Conference Committee Member