The Center for Rural Studies has re-developed its website (not yet launched), which is the gateway to many online community data resources, including Vermont Indicators. Whether we have achieved our goal of making it more user-friendly will be up to you to decide! We would really like to get the opinion of those working in libraries throughout the state before we finalize and launch the new site. Please email or call Anna to let her know if you would be available to participate in one of the scheduled focus groups:
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
3:00- 4:30 pm
104 Morrill Hall; 146 University Place
Burlington, VT 05405
Thursday, August 20, 2009
9:00- 10:30 am
104 Morrill Hall; 146 University Place
Burlington, VT 05405
We’ll be happy to pay for parking and offer some refreshments (and many thanks) in exchange for your time. I look forward to hearing from you!
Anna Behm Masozera
Communications Coordinator
Community Development and Applied Economics Department
University of Vermont
Tele: 802.656.2606