Dana Medical Library Receives Outreach Award

The Dana Medical Library, University of Vermont, has received an award from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine New England Region (NNLM-NER) to conduct an assessment of the information needs of Vermont’s community healthcare providers. The project also includes a survey of Vermont hospitals’ knowledge-based information resources and services.

The reports resulting from the surveys will help Dana Medical Library, a resource library of the NNLM, to update and improve its services to unaffiliated health care providers, including physicians, advanced practice nurses, and allied health practices. Medical librarians will develop and present classes based on the provider needs assessment survey. The Library will also work with partners and supporters in the UVM College of Medicine Office of Primary Care, the Vermont AHECs (Area Health Education Centers), and the Vermont State Library to plan and advocate for information resources in health-related areas.

The $34,000 award is funded through April 2011.  Marianne Burke, Dana Library Director, is principal investigator.

For more information, contact:

Marianne Burke, MLS AHIP
Director, Dana Medical Library
University of Vermont
Burlington,VT 05405