The following workshops will be taking place in April. Please click on the title to register.
April 3, 9:30-4:00
Legal Reference for Librarians – Rutland
Courts are moving to e-filing of documents. Increasing amounts of legal reference materials are only available online. Where are people with legal problems going to seek assistance? Perhaps you’ve already seen an increase in these types of reference questions. This workshop brings court staff, attorneys and experienced librarians together to provide you with the information you need to know what you CAN do to help people with their legal problems.
April 5, 9:30-3:00
Tweens and Digital Storytelling
During this workshop we’ll use the focus of learning how to present a digital storytelling program at your library to also discuss tweens; who they are and information on developing programming and services that encourage them to use the library and stick around to become your teen patrons. Using technology that can be found in most libraries, the internet, and freely available software, we’ll be taking a hands-on approach to digital storytelling. Participants will need to bring a book that they will use to create a book trailer and they are welcome to bring their own laptop and any camera or filming device they would like to use (flip cameras, cell phones, digital cameras, etc).
April 9, 9:00-12:00
Materials Review – Milton (no registration required)
Public and school librarians are invited to attend one of the spring Materials Review Sessions to help them decide what to order for their children and teens. Youth Services Consultant Grace Greene will review orally about 75 recently published books and will also display hundreds more titles that have been favorably reviewed by volunteer Vermont reviewers or, in the case of nonfiction, the review media. All books, with the reviews taped inside, are available for perusal so librarians can see what they are getting before they order. There is a formal part to the program and then plenty of time to examine all the books.
This session will include a showing of a videotape of the March 28, 2012 session in Northfield. The books, with the reviews inserted in them, will accompany the videotape, so you will have access to all the books. A regional librarian will be at this location to facilitate the program.
April 11, 9:30-3:00
A one-day informal workshop for school and public librarians. Participants should be familiar with the VALS Web2 Catalogs, VALS email and the Internet. We will cover in-state as well as out-of-state interlibrary loan procedures with group discussion and hands-on activities.
April 17, 9:00-12:00
Materials Review – Ludlow (no registration required)
Public and school librarians are invited to attend one of the spring Materials Review Sessions to help them decide what to order for their children and teens. Youth Services Consultant Grace Greene will review orally about 75 recently published books and will also display hundreds more titles that have been favorably reviewed by volunteer Vermont reviewers or, in the case of nonfiction, the review media. All books, with the reviews taped inside, are available for perusal so librarians can see what they are getting before they order. There is a formal part to the program and then plenty of time to examine all the books.
This session will include a showing of a videotape of the March 28, 2012 session in Northfield. The books, with the reviews inserted in them, will accompany the videotape, so you will have access to all the books. A regional librarian will be at this location to facilitate the program.
April 17, 1:00-3:00
Kindles and Nooks and smartphones and iPads—where do we start? Join fellow library staff for a hands on session with some of the new gadgets. Bring your gadgets so we have plenty to handle. We will also talk about audio and ebook content from Listen Up Vermont and other sites.
April 19, 9:30-12:00
Want some good, practical ideas for adult programs that you can use this summer? This is a sharing workshop, not teaching, so your ticket of admission is one program idea for adults, written up and ready to present. We are looking for activities of all kinds: workforce development, crafts, food, creative readings, gaming, book groups, etc—pretty much anything that works with adults. Everyone will present an idea. Extra credit if you come with ideas that can be folded into the summer reading program theme for adults, Between the Covers. Remember that adults come in all ages, for our purposes, 18 and up.
April 20, 9:00-12:00
Strategic Planning – Session 2
Questions? Please contact me.
Mara Siegel
Continuing Education Coordinator
Vermont Department of Libraries
(802) 828-2727