E-Cycles Recycling Program – Free Disposal of Old Electronics

Welcome to the Vermont E-Cycles Recycling Program

Vermont’s new electronic waste law will ban the disposal of electronic waste starting January 1, 2011 and will provide convenient collection of certain electronic waste for consumers, charities, school districts, and small businesses for free starting July 1, 2011.

Electronic devices contain toxic materials (including lead, mercury, and chromium) that should be managed responsibly as well as precious metals (such as gold) that should be recovered and recycled.

Although electronic waste (e-waste) is a small component of all waste that is disposed, it is the fastest growing component of waste. Consider that in 1970, most households had only 1 TV and 0 computers. More than 1.6 million pounds of e-waste were collected by VT solid waste districts in 2008.

Manufacturers will pay for the e-waste collection and recycling program starting July 1, 2011. Currently, Vermont solid waste districts are subsidizing the costs of e-waste collections, to prevent disposal and provide for better management of the waste.

When will the free e-waste collection start? July 1, 2011