Hi All,
I saw this article in my Burlington Free Press feed today:
Grants to Help Communities Reduce Energy Use, Save Money
It got me thinking about all the libraries around the state who want/need to upgrade or build new, and maybe this kind of grant, which is a matching funds grant, could be help those project along and promote the cause of green libraries at the same time.
I happened to blog the session at the New England Library Association Conference about green architecture and my notes/summary can be found by linking to the NELA Conference Blog:
Leading by Example: Toward More Sustainable Communities
The session was great because it was with not only a green architect, but with two New England libraries in different phases of planning/construction. I checked the NELA Conference materials area but no one from this session posted their presentations. However, I’m sure if you ask the presenters, they’d probably be happy to share. The architect had some really beautiful slides of new libraries that would make your mouth water. If you’re not familiar with the green library movement, it’s pretty awesome and gaining in momentum. Check out some of the projects at the Green Libraries website:
I’m curious what people think about piggy-backing these kinds of projects, in part because I know very little about the grant process so I don’t know if it would work, but also because it seems like a really good time, what with our troubling economic times, to think creatively about how to lay hands to non-traditional revenue streams.
Helen Linda