If you would like to add something to this calendar, something open to the public, please email Barbara Ball at barbara@windsorlibrary.org

Where are all the GREAT WOMEN ARTISTS?

Special Program Friends Lanpher Memorial Library, Hyde Park, Lamoille County, VT Speaker August Burns August Burns will give a surprising and thought-provoking take on Art History. Inspired by the #metoo movement, it’s time to challenge our assumptions and reclaim women’s place in the tradition of great Western art. August Burns is an award-winning portrait and […]

Salvation Farms : Vermont’s use of farm raised foods

The Friends of Lanpher Library (Lamoille County.) TUESDAY  TALK with Theresa Snow. Theresa Snow, founder of Salvation Farms in 2004, is also a founding Board member of the North American Association of Gleaning Organizations. She has been recognized and / or collaborated with many organizations such as Pete’s Greens, High Mowing Organic Seeds and served […]

An Everyday Cult – Gerette Buglion Zoom Presentation

Friends of Lanpher Memorial Library Speaker Series (Lamoille County - Hyde Park) To register please click on link below: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAsd-Gtqj8vHNWl3RfIozmfKkNpM0O4q79g Gerette Buglion is the author of  An Everyday Cult, a narrative non-fiction that weaves cult dynamics with her personal memoir. As a lifelong educator, Gerette was humbled when she emerged from a controlling group at […]

Daylilies in Our Northern Gardens

Friends of Lanpher Memorial Library Speaker Series HAROLD CROSS Presents on Zoom Daylilies are the stars of the Crossview Gardens, easy care perennials that provide years of pleasure.   Harold and Leila Cross have been collecting daylilies for over 30 years, with a staggering number (>2200) of registered varieties! They are an official AHS (American […]