Listed below are FREE programs The American Management Association, Booklist, GrantSpace, Infopeople, insynctraining, LE@D, Library Journal, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Nebraska Library Commission, Accessible Technology Coalition, School Library Journal, TechSoup, Texas State Library & Archives Commission, and WebJunction will be webcasting during August.
In the event that you aren’t available during those times, or you would like to check out past webinars, here are the links to archived events:
August 3 (11 am-12 pm)
What’s Happening with Genre Headings? (Nebraska Library Commission)
Genre headings can be very useful in library catalogs in order to let
patrons search for particular types of items. In May of this year, the
Library of Congress changed how its genre headings are handled,
separating them from subject headings and establishing a separate
thesaurus, the Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms for Library and
Archival Materials (LCGFT). In this session, Emily Nimsakont, the
NLC’s Cataloging Librarian, will give an overview of how genre
headings are used and discuss the effects of this decision by the
Library of Congress.
To register for this event, go to:
August 3 (1-2 pm)
Introduction to Web Accessibility: Section 508 Compliance (Accessible
Technology Coalition)
Increasingly, organizations are being held accountable for the
accessibility of their websites. The baseline standard for
accessibility in the U.S. is the federal government’s “Section 508”.
If you’ve heard the term and wondered what it referred to, or have
wanted to make your organization 508 compliant but don’t know how to
begin to implement the standards, join us for this introductory-level
webinar. This session is appropriate for managers, content creators,
and web developers alike.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
August 4 (1-2 pm)
Microsoft Donation Program: How Does It Work? (TechSoup)
Interested in TechSoup’s Microsoft Donation Program? Whether you are
new or experienced with Microsoft donations, join us for a quick
webinar to learn about the recently updated Microsoft donation
program, restrictions, and additional benefits that will help you to
get the most out of your donation request. This webinar will help you
to understand how the updates will affect your organization. This
webinar is suited for all public libraries and nonprofits in the
United States that are interested in requesting a Microsoft donation.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
August 4 (2-3 pm)
Ten Tips for Writing Well with Dixie Darr (LE@D)
This free webinar provides a quick tour of some of the more common
mistakes even experienced library professionals make (regardless of
one’s level of education). Although it is about writing basics, this
webinar focuses on workplace applications: what can improve how your
words impact the readers at work, whether they be your employers,
co-workers, employees, or customers. Topics include punctuation,
jargon, keeping words “in agreement,” too many words, using the wrong
words, and failure to edit, as well as using social media
abbreviations (texting shorthand) in workplace documents.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
August 9 (2-3 pm)
Math, Science & More (Booklist)
Still count on your toes? Don’t know a bat from a butterfly? There’s a
book for that! Math and science books take center stage in this free
Booklist webinar. Join Ilene Cooper, Children’s Books editor, for an
hour-long presentation about new and backlist books on a rarely
discussed topic. Representatives from Holiday House, Rosen Online
Publishing, Sylvan Dell Publishing, and Norwood House Press will
introduce featured books from their lists.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
August 9 (2-3 pm)
Turning Stress into Power (insynctraining)
Managing stress effectively has less to do with managing external
events – things you can’t control – and more to do with better
managing yourself. This session focuses on strategies for taking
charge of your own responses to stress and turning them to more
productive reactions and behaviors.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
August 9 (3-4 pm)
Cuddle Up & Read: Storytimes for Pregnant and Parenting Teens(Infopeople)
Pregnant and parenting teens are a unique user group for libraries
because it is difficult for them to come to our facilities and utilize
our services, including attending storytimes. Outreach to this
population is vital because teen pregnancy has negative impacts for
teens, their children, and the public sector. Webinar attendees will
learn: about the Cuddle up & Read programs in San Diego, how to
establish successful community partnerships in order to create a
literacy based program for teen parents and their children, and how to
improve their existing literacy based programs for pregnant and
parenting teens.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
August 10 (11 am-12 pm)
Google+ (Nebraska Library Commission)
In this episode Michael Sauers, the Commission’s Technology Innovation
Librarian, takes you on a tour of Google+, Google’s latest attempt at
creating a social network. With more than 10 million beta testers and
designed with privacy in mind from the beginning, is Google+ a
Facebook killer? Is it something you should be paying attention to?
Should your library be there? Michael will give his answers to these
questions and more.
To register for this event, go to:
August 10-11 (11:30 am-2:45 pm)
Trends in Library Training and Learning: Developing Staff Skills for
the 21st Century (WebJunction and Learning Roundtable)
This two day online conference consists of eight free programs:
Born to Forget: How to Survive and Thrive in the Age of Information Overload
Happiness Through Personal Learning
Lights! Camera! Action! Using Video for Patron and Staff Instruction
Getting Admin Buy-In for Training
Instructional Literacy and the Library Educator: Reflective Habits for
Effective Practice
Tech Training Skills for 21st Century Library Staff
Beyond 23 Things: Enhanced Self-Paced Training
Cultivating the Library as a Site of Participatory Culture and Learning
Program blurbs and registration instructions can be found here:
August 11 (12-1 pm)
SLJ Fall Nonfiction Announcements (School Library Journal)
Prepare to be surprised, delighted and informed by our four
participating publishers as they present the best of their new and
forthcoming fall nonfiction titles! You’ll be ready to support the
needs of your classroom teachers and young researchers alike when the
new school year kicks in with a fresh array of books covering topics
from weather to sports to celebrities.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
August 16 (2-3 pm)
Before you Seek a Grant: A Checklist for New Nonprofits (GrantSpace)
Learn the characteristics of effective nonprofits and assess whether yours is ready for foundation fundraising.
This class is designed for new nonprofits or community groups with very little experience in grantseeking. We focus specifically on foundation fundraising.
The course will address such questions as:
- What groundwork do I have to have in place before approaching foundations for funding?
- What are the steps to obtaining incorporation and nonprofit status and where can I get some help to do so?
- What are the characteristics of successful nonprofits?
This session will provide you with a step-by-step checklist approach to help you determine your own readiness for foundation fundraising.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
August 16 (12-1 pm)
Breezing Along with the RML (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
Two staff members from the RML or guests will present information on
goals, activities, accomplishments, or resources. We may ask about
your experiences or your opinions. We may encourage you to take
action, offer a new service, or try a new technology. Every month will
be different.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: . Enter as a guest. Sign in with your
first and last names. Follow the instructions in the meeting room to
have the Adobe Acrobat Connect system call you on your telephone.
August 17 (1-2 pm)
The Focused Leader (insynctraining)
Clear and concise goals, partnered with a well thought out
implementation plan can help individuals achieve the goals they have
established for themselves. This seminar will show you how to develop
and implement strategic goals that can greatly increase your success!
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
August 17 (2-3 pm)
Grantseeking Basics (GrantSpace)
Learn how to become a better grantseeker! In this class we will cover:
what you need to have in place before you seek a grant; the world of
grantmakers; the grantseeking process; and available tools and
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
August 17 (3-4 pm)
DIY Digital Assets: Creation, Implementation, Access (Infopeople)
Details will be announced soon!
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
August 18 (3-4 pm)
Using Technology for Time Management (Infopeople)
Learn to work smarter, not harder to increase your time management
skills to prioritize task and daily activities, and eliminate
unnecessary activities. By the end of this one-hour webinar,
participants will: have a comparison of at least three types of time
management systems, be familiar with 4 smart phone time management
programs, and be familiar with the basics of the time management
process to maximize work productivity.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
August 22 (11 am-12 pm)
Mixing In Math: Enhancing story times, crafts, displays, and family
programs with math (Texas State Library & Archives)
On a tight budget? Looking for resources for the 2011-2012 school year
and for Summer reading 2012? Learn how librarians are using MIXING IN
MATH, a set of FREE materials in English and Spanish that add math to
circle time, story times, displays, and crafts. At this webinar, we
will share experiences using MIXING IN MATH activities, introduce you
to the over 200 resources, and show you how they sprinkle a little
math into what they already do: story times, family events, book
displays, and summer reading programs. Come ready to explore shapes,
sizes, and patterns in everyday life! Check the MIXING IN MATH
website: to learn more.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
August 23 (2-3 pm)
Twitter 101 (insynctraining)
Twitter is far more than people talking about what their cats have for
breakfast! But to find the value you have to jump in. This hands-on
session leads you through a demystification of Twitter talk including
tweets, retweets, and hashtags, then moves into strategies for setting
your own Twitter goals, finding good people to follow, and
contributing to conversations. Note: this session is open to anyone,
but is tailored to those in the workplace Learning & Development
community. The session will not be useful for those wishing to use
Twitter only to market products or services.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
August 23 (2-3 pm)
YA Announcements: Fall 2011 (Booklist)
What can teen readers look forward to this fall? Get a sneak peek at
the hottest new YA releases during this free, hour-long webinar from
Booklist Publications. Gillian Engberg, Booklist’s Books for Youth
Editorial Director, will be joined by publishing representatives who
will fill you in on their leading teen titles for autumn and beyond.
Sponsored by Bloomsbury Children’s Books and Walker Books for Young
Readers, Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group, Disney Book Group, and
Saddleback Educational Publishing.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
August 24 (11 am-12 pm)
Birds Do It, Bees Do It: Sexual Health Resources (Nebraska Library Commission)
This Spotlight! on National Library of Medicine Resources, will be
presented by Siobhan Champ-Blackwell. This presentation offers
reliable resources on sexual health, tips on handling the reference
interview, and includes sections on resources for teens, GLBT
community members, adults, and older adults.
To register for this event, go to:
August 24 (12-1 pm)
Harnessing the Power of Total Confidence (American Management Association)
Have life’s curveballs thrown you off balance? Best-selling author,
leadership coach and former Yahoo! executive Tim Sanders knows how you
feel. Rediscovering lessons learned as a child, Sanders got out of a
tailspin and catapulted himself to financial security and an
officer-level role at an S&P 500 company at the center of the Internet
revolution. Today, his promise to himself is, “I will never forget
those lessons. The price is too high.” Join Tim as he explores the
classic principles of confident living that some of the most
successful and joyful people you know live by.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
August 24 (3-4 pm)
Spotlight! on National Library of Medicine Resources (National Network
of Libraries of Medicine)
Anatomy Resources.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: . On the day of the webinar, go to and enter as a guest. Sign in with your
first and last names. Follow the instructions in the meeting room to
have the Adobe Acrobat Connect system call you on your telephone.
August 25 (3-4 pm)
Worse Than Death? Practical Tips on Public Speaking for Library
Personnel (Infopeople)
Details will be announced soon!
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
August 31 (11 am-12 pm)
Tech Talk with Michael Sauers (Nebraska Library Commission)
In this monthly feature of NCompass Live, the NLC’s Technology
Innovation Librarian, Michael Sauers, will discuss the tech news of
the month and share new and exciting tech for your library.
To register for this event, go to:
Mara Siegel
Continuing Education Coordinator
Vermont Department of Libraries
(802) 828-2727