Getting Your Board to Raise Money: Plan B (and C and D and…) Online Webinar

Getting Your Board to Raise Money: Plan B (and C and D and…)

Date/Time: Thursday, October 28, 2:00-3:15 p.m.
Fee: $35.00
Presenter: Andy Robinson

To register:

If your board isn’t raising all the money it could — indeed, if your board isn’t raising any money at all — you’re not alone. In this webinar, we’ll discuss the reasons why, and outline strategies to turn things around. You’ll leave with several practical, specific ideas for increasing board involvement and effectiveness.

Andy Robinson has worked with a variety of nonprofits as a fundraiser, publicist, grant writer and community organizer for the past 30 years. He’s provided support and training to thousands of nonprofit staffand volunteers with an emphasis on organizations working for human rights, social justice, environmental conservation and community development. Andy is author of: Great Boards for Small Groups and a number of helpful monographs that can be found at his website:

Problems Registering?
Give Nick a ring @ (802) 862- 1645 ext. 21