The Library Support Staff Certification (LSSC) Program is a national, voluntary certification program administered by the American Library Association-Allied Profession Association (ALA-APA). The LSSC Program is partially funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).
The Library Support Staff Certification Program is now accepting applications for 55 subsidies of $200 from LSSC Candidates to enroll in and complete LSSC-approved courses. Candidates who receive a subsidy award will receive a $200 reimbursement after they pay for, and complete, an LSSC-approved course.
To apply for a subsidy, candidates must be accepted in the LSSC Program by September 15, 2010. Subsidy recipients must successfully complete one of LSSC’s Approved Courses by April 1, 2011.
Application information is available on the LSSC For Candidates page. Candidates must apply for the subsidy by September 15. The LSSC Program staff will select recipients using a random selection process and announce subsidy awards on September 27.
For more information, please contact LSSC Program staff.(