MaintainIT Project webinars: laptops, training, and gaming!

Three Fee-Free Library Webinars from MaintainIT: Laptops, Training and Gaming.

Join us for these free webinars. Attend these sessions from your library, no travel needed!

The MaintainIT Project, (, interviews hundreds of librarians about how they maintain, support, and sustain their public computers. We publish all of these experiences, successes, and challenges in guides called Cookbooks, so librarians can learn from the experiences of others who’ve done it before them. The best part? Everything we do is FREE, and everything is on We also produce free webinars every month!

Sept. 30th Cookbook Book Club:  How Much Help Should You Provide Patrons With Laptops?
09/30/2008 9:00am – 10:00am Pacific
Where:  Register on MaintainIT’s webinar space. Download and read the Cookbook chapter (pdf) here.

This month Brenda Hough will lead a lively discussion where you can share ideas, feedback, and ask questions about providing help and support to patrons using laptops. Find out how other libraries have handled troubleshooting, security, parking lot surfers, space issues and more!

Oct. 8th Train-the-Trainer:  The Power of Stories in Technology Training
When:  10/08/2008 11:00am – 12:00pm Pacific
Where:  Register on MaintainIT’s webinar space, and come prepared to share your training tips, too.

Library trainers from around the country are finding this popular webinar series a great opportunity to discuss training tips, techniques and resources. This month we will focus on how storytelling can enhance your participants’ learning and retention.

Oct. 16th 30 Minute Webinar:  Get Your Game On: Quick Tips to Start a Gaming Program.
10/16/08, 11:00am – 11:30am Pacific
Where: Register on WebJunction’s webinar space

Join Lori Reed, Employee Learning Coordinator at the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg, as she interviews Beth Gallaway, a library trainer/consultant specializing in gaming, technology, and youth services. This will be a fast-paced and interactive session introducing the idea of gaming programs in libraries.

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