NAHSL Conference: "Libraries in Balance" to be held October 24-26 in Newport RI

The North Atlantic Health Sciences Libraries (NAHSL) is holding its 52nd annual conference at the Newport (RI) Marriott October 24th-26th, 2010. This year’s theme is Libraries in Balance: Preserving Our Roots, Growing Our Future. The list of speakers include Lee Rainie of the Pew Research Internet and American Life Project and Dr. John Halamka, Chief Information Officer at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and the Harvard Medical School, and the 2010 Joseph Leiter Lecturer This 2 ½ day conference will include breakout sessions, state meetings, exhibitors and CE classes in addition to the 4 plenary speakers. For more information view the conference website at The website is under construction so “pardon our dust” and visit us often.
Thank you,
The NAHSL 2010 Conference Planning Committee