National Novel Writing Month & Libraries

As an annual participant in National Novel Writing Month (Nanowrimo) each November I am always interested in finding new place to suggest/hold write-ins, and surprised to find out how many libraries have never even heard of it!
I learned today that the Nanowrimo offices have developed resources for libraries who want to get involved in Nanowrimo. There’s even some free stuff, I hear:
Come Write In: Libraries
Nanowrimo Library Outreach Guide
I hope some of you will consider welcoming the Wrimos into your libraries. There are many parts of the state where folks are isolated and don’t know where to go to meet up with people. If you choose to do something for Nanowrimo, please let me know so that I can share it on our community forums. And, of course, if you have any questions at all, please feel free to let me know!

Helen Linda
Library Systems & Technical Services Librarian
Eliot D. Pratt Library
Goddard College