“Have you and your family ever visited one of Vermont’s national parks, state parks or historic sites? If you answered yes, then you undoubtedly have a lot of terrific photos that captured these moments.”
Vermont Public Television is sponsoring a photo contest to involve individuals of all ages in celebrating the outdoors. State parks, libraries, and historic sites will be handing out information this summer. The contest deadline, originally set for mid-August, has just been extended to October 9, 2009.
To promote the event, use the PDF flyer at
Each page is two flyers, side by side. Promote the contest with Be Creative @Your Library, the summer reading program, or pair it with Check out the Parks Pass.
Winners of the photo contest receive a DVD copy of the new Ken Burns series, The National Parks: America’s Best Idea. Contest winners in each age group will be announced Monday, November 2. For more information about the contest or the Ken Burns film, http://parks.vpt.org/