Supporting innovation and investment in the nation’s libraries – Lifelong Access Libraries Leadership Institute

Supporting innovation and investment in the nation’s libraries – Lifelong Access Libraries Leadership Institute
December 1-2, 2008
Newton Free Library, Newton, Massachusetts
Library Services for 50+ Adults are Focus of New England Institute
New York – October 26, 2008

Specialists in the fields of aging, work, intergenerational programming and healthy aging will join Lifelong Access Fellows at a special Institute for New England’s library leaders to be held December 1-2 in Newton, Massachusetts.

Libraries for the Future (, a national non-profit dedicated to supporting innovation and investment in public libraries, has announced the following confirmed speakers:

  • Mary Catherine Bateson, Anthropologist and Author
  • Robert Tietze, Director, Philadelphia Experience Corps
  • Diantha Dow Schull, Former Director, Libraries for the Future

State library staff and consultants, library and library system directors, directors of adult services, and members of library boards are encouraged to apply. Lodging, food and materials will be covered for all participants; travel stipends will be provided to library and state library staff traveling more than 50 miles.

The New England Lifelong Institute will introduce participants to new theories and trends in the field of aging, focusing on adults approaching or entering retirement. It will provide an opportunity to explore the implications of these trends for libraries as centers for information, learning and community connections. It will offer new models for services based on an understanding of 50+ adults as assets for libraries and their communities. The Institute will focus on:

1) Concepts and research underlying new approaches to working with midlife and older adults;
2) Promising practices in adult services, including successful approaches being demonstrated by Lifelong Access Libraries Fellows across the country.

The New England Institute is part of LFF’s Lifelong Access Libraries initiative, designed to transform libraries as centers of lifelong learning and civic engagement for active older adults. Lifelong Access Libraries is funded by a major grant from The Atlantic Philanthropies.

To apply:

The application is available online at Selection will be on a competitive basis, with a maximum of thirty slots available.

The deadline for submitting an application is November 14, 2008. Please visit our website ( for further details. Please direct any questions or concerns to Hagar Shirman