URGENT ACTION: Out of Work Librarians Need Your Help!

Act NOW to Include Libraries in the Jobs Bill!

As you know, libraries are helping unemployed Americans get back to work not only by helping them acquire needed job skills, but also by offering no-fee access to the Internet for online job searching, computers for working on resumes, resources for building small business plans, and much more. Unfortunately, these very services are threatened by budget shortfalls in state and local funding; due to these budget cuts, many libraries may be forced to cut services that are so incredibly necessary during these tough economic times.

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Time to Renew/Join the VLA for 2010!

The Vermont Library Association (VLA) invites you to join or renew your membership in our organization in 2010. Your membership is vital to the well-being of libraries in Vermont, and to your own professional development. VLA is over 350 members strong, and every new or renewed membership means we can accomplish more for Vermont libraries.

By the way, we ARE having the 116th VLA Conference in 2010 !! It will be a one-day event on Tuesday, May 25, 2010 in Colchester, VT at St. Michael’s College. Registration is limited.  Details will be forthcoming.

As you may know, we support continuing education programs, workshops, and lectures throughout the year, and inform members about these opportunities for growth. We research salary guidelines and provide information to librarians, trustees, and employers. In addition, VLA officers represent our members on the American Library Association Council and the New England Library Association Board. VLA also keeps a keen eye on national issues that affect libraries.

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Living in a Wired World: Can Personal Privacy Survive in the 21st Century?

Imagine waking up one day in your own personal terrarium, where everything you do and say can be seen by anyone passing by. Sound scary? In a world of Web cams, social networking sites, and GPS-equipped phones, your dorm walls may be more transparent than you realize.

The University of Vermont Libraries present a lecture and book-signing by Burlington-based attorney and computer forensics expert Frederick Lane, about the challenges emerging technologies pose to one of our most controversial rights, on Wednesday, November 18th at 4:30 PM, in Billings North Lounge.

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Action Needed Now on USA Patriot Act

Dear Colleagues,

As you know, the USA PATRIOT ACT is due to sunset this year and we need Congress to make much needed reforms.

The Senate has introduced a bill that does not meet the protections we seek, so we need the House to pass much tougher reforms. The ALA Washington Office reports that there is much opposition to these reforms, including from the White House, the Department of Justice and the House Intelligence Committee, so Congress needs calls NOW from library supporters and others.

PLEASE call Congressman Welch’s office to EXPRESS YOUR SUPPORT for H.R. 3845 introduced by Rep. John Conyers of Michigan and ASK CONGRESSMAN WELCH TO CO-SPONSOR this USA Patriot Amendment Act. Call NOW. Bill mark-up is scheduled for November 4.
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Library Journal looking for "Movers and Shakers 2010"

Do You Know a Library “Mover & Shaker”?
Library Journal’s ninth annual Movers & Shakers will profile 50 or more up-and-comers from across the US, Canada, and internationally who are innovative, creative, and making a difference. Let LJ know who you think should be included. From librarians to vendors to others who work in the library field, Movers & Shakers 2010 will celebrate the new professionals moving our libraries ahead.
Nominations are due November 9. Here’s the link for the form: http://www.libraryjournal.com/article/CA606274.html?nid=2671&rid=#reg_visitor_id&source=title

Don't Close the Books on Libraries Rally

Please read below the call to action for the Massachusetts Library Association. If you can spare the time, our neighbors to the south could use our help fighting the good fight. Helen

To the library community –
Even if you’re not a librarian in Massachusetts, you’re invited to join the rally. Let’s get those numbers up to show them we mean business!
Rick Taplin
President, New England Library Association

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California Library Association thanks VLA

 The following email was received by Gail Weymouth, IFC chair on October 8th.  It is reprinted with permission and the personal name of sender redacted as a privacy courtesy.

Gail Weymouth,

I am writing on behalf of the California Library Association (CLA) Intellectual Freedom Committee to thank the Vermont Library Association for its recent resolution on the USA PATRIOT Act.

CLA was inspired by your efforts to include both the sunsetting provisions and Section 505. We share your concerns and messages to Congress. We were alarmed to find that this week both Sen. Leahy and Sen. Feinstein softened their support for privacy and surveillance reforms.

We want to thank you for the example you have set, and congratulate VLA on its impact on the meeting of the Senate Judiciary Committee September 23, 2009.

Based on your example, we have adapted the resolution to reflect the concerns of the California’s library community. Please pass this email on to all those responsible for the resolution. We can let you know when our resolution goes “live.”

Intellectual Freedom Committee, member
California Library Association