ACLU First Amendment Conference – Registration Deadline 6/23/09

MONTPELIER-“ The First Amendment is being asked to do more as technology transforms the way thoughts and beliefs are expressed, and free speech lines are questioned.

“Thought and Expression in a Changing World”  is the topic of a day-long conference Monday, June 29 in South Burlington sponsored by the American Civil Liberties Union of Vermont.

Speakers will include Catherine Crump, an attorney with the National ACLU’s First Amendment Working Group, and Dan Barrett, staff attorney at the ACLU-VT. Other Vermont attorneys will participate on panels discussing specific cases and incidents, including recent controversies involving broadcast of the Al Jazeera-English channel on a local cable TV system and images placed on locally manufactured snowboards.

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NELA Annual Conference

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Camila Alire, ALA President-Elect, will be joining us at the next New England Library Association (NELA) Annual Conference in October 2009. Dr. Alire will be leading a special ALA Forum on Sunday, October 18. Share your thoughts on how ALA should focus its efforts in the next five years. As her presidential initiatives, Dr. Alire will also be sharing her expertise and innovative ideas about Library Advocacy and Literacy in a presentation on Monday, October 19. View initiatives, biography and more on her official website.


NELA Annual Conference Preview

For those of you on Linkedin, a new networking group for the New England Library Association was started thanks to Joe Fox. Just type in NELA in the Search Groups field and you will find us. Please consider joining Linkedin and this new group to network and stay in touch with your fellow New England library workers.

NELA Counterparts 2009

This summer, the New England Library Association (NELA) presents a unique opportunity for all library workers to attend a mindful and meaningful mini-conference in the New England region. This is NELA Counterparts.

Counterparts 2009 is a two-day educational event for NELA members, state library association members, consortia members and any other interested persons. Scheduled for Thursday and Friday, July 16-17, 2009 on the Connecticut College (New London) campus.

For information on our Speaker, conference details and registration forms, please visit this link:

Registrations will be accepted until June 30th. Confirmation, agenda and directions will be sent upon receipt of registration.

EFF Launches 'Teaching Copyright' to Correct Entertainment Industry Misinformation

New Curriculum Gives Students the Facts About Their Digital Rights and Responsibilities

San Francisco – As the entertainment industry promotes its new anti-copying educational program to the nation’s teachers, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) today launched its own “Teaching Copyright” curriculum and website to help educators give students the real story about their digital rights and responsibilities on the Internet and beyond.
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The Beatles Had It Right

Sometimes we just need a little help from our friends.  You may be a new librarian who feels at sea.   Or you may have a library project or issue that you would like to talk with another professional about.  The Vermont Library Association can help you connect with people who can help you out.  Over a dozen VLA members from all over the state have agreed to act as a mentor for public librarians.  Contact Lucinda Walker 802-649-1184 if you would like to find a mentor in your area.

Digital Information Management (DigIn) Certificate Deadline Extended!

University of Arizona Digital Information Management (DigIn) Certificate program admission is open for 2009-10. Scholarships are available. Review of applications for admissions and financial aid for Summer 2009 has been extended to April 15.

The University of Arizona School of Information Resources and Library Science is pleased to announce that openings are available in the school’s graduate certificate program in Digital Information Management (DigIn), and that scholarships are available for students entering the program in Summer and Fall 2009.

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Snelling Center Offers Leadership Workshops

Library Colleagues,

I want to bring your attention to a series of professional development workshops presented by the Snelling Center: “Leadership in a Connected Age.”

Several half-day workshops are scheduled this spring around the state and a full-day workshop will be held in Burlington in June.

For detailed information about dates, locations, costs, workshop agendas, and registration information, go to:

This is a time when we need strong leadership in the Vermont library community – and we need to build strong connections with our community partners.

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