August 5th Storytime heads up

Black and white photograph of a woman reading to a group of children outside

NYPL lantern slide of story hour c. 1910

Vermont libraries should be aware of a coordinated, nationwide series of story hours planned for Aug. 5.

They are being organized by author, conservative speaker and former child actor Kirk Cameron and BRAVE Books, a Texas-based publisher whose mission is “to help parents instill a love of truth in their children so that the children will withstand harmful progressive influences.”

We don’t know of any events scheduled for Vermont yet, but there are a few simple tips to keep in mind:Read more

New Tool: Report a Challenge to Library Resources

The Vermont Library Association is launching a form entitled Report A Challenge to Library Resources  (direct link) that will enable librarians from across the state to report material challenges at their library. The information gathered from this form will go directly to the Intellectual Freedom Committee of the VLA and may be shared with the following professional organizations: Vermont Department of Libraries, the Vermont School Library Association, and the Office of Intellectual Freedom of the American Library Association.

Here are ALA’s statistics on banned and challenged books:

Anyone who has any questions or concerns about this form should contact Vermont Library Association President at or Mary Danko, Chair of the Vermont Library Association Intellectual Freedom Committee at
The Vermont Library Association (VLA) is an educational organization working to develop, promote, and improve library and information services and librarianship in the state of Vermont