Black Bears

A Springfield Town Library event. (Windsor County.)

“Wildlife Tales” with the Southern VT Natural History Museum

Take a literary journey around the world as our very own Storytelling Naturalist shares tales of animals and magic from around the globe.

With each story, a LIVE ANIMAL will visit to bring a natural history piece to the myth and legends!

This is an outdoor event at the Hartland Public Library (Windsor County,) 153 Route 5, Hartland, VT. For more information, email

This program is paid for in part by a grant from the VT Dept. of Libraries. 

The History and Promise of Victory Gardens [Zoom]

Presented by Gordon Clark, UVM Extension Master Gardener and Coordinator of the Vermont Victory Gardens project, “The History and Promise of Victory Gardens” is a pictorial history of one of the oldest and most enduring movements in American society. From its roots in the Progressive Era through WWI to its most famous flowering in WWII, “The History and Promise of Victory Gardens” uses photos, documents and vintage posters and artwork to chronicle the perennial re-emergence and re-invention of Americans’ desire to grow their own food in times of challenge – right up to the COVID pandemic of last year. A Windsor Public Library event. Go to  for more information.