VLA Technical Services Section
- RDA Bootcamp – Slides from the 119th Vermont Library Conference, May 21, 2013
ALA ALCTS: Cataloging & RDA Webinars
- Webinar recordings are available at no cost 90 days after the original presentation. See the webinar archive to access free recordings.
- Recent Webinars:
- Recording RDA Elements in MARC 21 Fields in Name Authority Records / Ana Lupe Cristán
- RDA Name Authorities—What’s New and Different from AACR2 / Paul Frank
- RDA for the Non-Cataloger: What’s in It for You? / Lori Robare
- RDA in 10 Easy Steps / Thomas Brenndorfer
- ALCTS RDA Training YouTube Channel
Bibliographic Framework Transition Initiative
- to determine a transition path for the MARC 21 exchange format in order to reap the benefits of newer technology while preserving a robust data exchange that has supported resource sharing and cataloging cost savings in recent decades.
Joint Steering Committee for the Development of RDA (JSC)
- RDA Background/Development
- Presentations about RDA (Barbara Tillett, Judith Kuhagen, and more)
- Changes to AACR2 Instructions
Library of Congress
- All free, but you are on your own – no instructor (unless a recorded
webinar), just training materials - Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate (standards, training and instructional design for the Library Services unit at LC)
- Information and Resources in Preparation for RDA
- LC’s own training plan for their catalogers
- Webcasts (Barbara Tillett)
- Training Modules for RDA (June 2012)
- Catalogers Learning Workshop
- Course Materials (broad range of cataloger training courses)
- RDA Training Materials
- RDA Training including the “R-Documents” (R-1:LC core elements & R-5: MARC21 Changes are especially helpful)
- RDA Record Examples
- Also, this link to a table of FRBR & RDA courses and links for materials.
- These courses break down FRBR & RDA training into manageable units
- Clicking on a recorded webinar – may take a couple of minutes to load.
- Online training
- RDA in NACO Training
- modules, demonstrations, quizzes, and exercises– 8-10 hours to complete.
- On left side click on CLASSES AND EVENTS
- You can then search “RDA” (no quotes) – pay attention to the date range
- Or click on Full Catalog at the bottom of this page and then search RDA without the calendar requirement
- When you click on the course name, it will show you scheduled class dates (or not, if none are scheduled) and a contact person Donna.Harnish@lyrasis.org) if you want to “request, schedule, or contract this event.”
- If there is a class scheduled, you will see the schedule in table format, description, learning outcomes, and prerequisites, as well as the cost per person
- The registration form provides more detail about how far in advance you need to register, late registration, late fees, etc.
- There is a class entitled “Discovering RDA (Face-to-Face)” but it doesn’t really indicate how that would be handled.
- There is also a page for technical requirements for distance education classes.
- RDA was a hot topic at the NETSL Annual Conference 2013. Slides from the conference cover basics, advanced, and RDA implementation.
- The New England Technical Services Librarians (NETSL) presented a program at the New England Library Association (NELA) Annual Conference 2012 that was an experiment designed to fill the gap in hands-on training in the conference environment.
- Description: What are the major differences between AACR2 and RDA? Join Steven Arakawa, Yale University’s Librarian for Training and Documentation, Catalog and Metadata Services, to address this question and learn more about RDA. The program is sponsored by the New England Technical Services Librarians (NETSL). Follow up with the 10:30 session offering hands-on experience.
- Scroll down to access the conference slides and exercises.
- Click on RDA
- Results indicate class name, live or self-paced, cost and a link to a schedule
- Clicking on the course name brings up the description, length of course, prerequisites, etc. – also a contact email
- Additional link to more info within the description of the class
- Clicking on “Register” brings you even more detailed information than the basic description page, as well as a link to the registration form
- OCLC also defers to their partnerships with various organizations, such as Lyrasis, for free training.
Penn State Libraries
- Very simple RDA Introduction with screenshots and MARC field comparisons.
- Listserv for open discussion of RDA and related topics: http://lists.ala.org/sympa/info/rda-l
- Managed by/purchased from ALA
- There is a free trial for the online product
- They have a “Teaching and Training” link which shows who and where RDA training is taking place
- There is also a live RDA Toolkit training course, and/or you can look at the training archives for the toolkit.
- The training appears to be FREE
- RDA Toolkit is an annual subscription (unlike AACR2 which was a one-time purchase with occasional purchased updates), and is available online and in print.
- Full record examples
RDA in Many Metadata Formats (RIMFF)
- a visualization tool for RDA metadata (think in RDA instead of AACR2/MARC)
- RIMFF Wiki
Semantic Web
University of North Florida, Marielle Veve, Metadata Librarian
- RDA Training Booklet (Free) – Marielle Veve created this RDA manual for practical training purposes, is hosted in an institutional repository. It covers MARC cataloging for print books and e-books using RDA. Is in PDF and has a Table of contents for easy navigation, (may take some time to download, but is Free!).
Vermont Funnel Project – Name Authorities
- “The Vermont Funnel is scheduled for the December/January group, so that means funnel members should participate in the two mandatory post-training webinars in the December-January time period. In mid-November, I’ll send everyone in the December/January group a message with a survey that will allow you to select the dates for your webinars. We hold them throughout the two months so scheduling should not be a problem for you. But members can take the online training — the modules, demonstrations, quizzes, and exercises– at any time, and as many times as they wish between now and the first webinar. The entire package should take about 8-10 hours total to complete. But ideally members would take the training as close to the webinars as possible, so if you decide to schedule your webinars in December, then you can think about starting the training soon; if you prefer to schedule your webinars in January, it might be best to wait to start the training in December. The training is all online and does not require travel, just a PC with speakers.”
- RDA in NACO Training
- Modules, demonstrations, quizzes, and exercises– 8-10 hours to complete. Members can take online training at any time, and as many times as they wish.
Thank you to Kay Schlueter, Birdie MacLennan, Helen Linda, Amber Billey for researching the items on this page. Got something to add? Let us know!