Vermont Library Association Statement of Support of the Institute of Museum and Library Services

President Trump’s Executive Order to dismantle the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) poses a serious threat to Vermont’s libraries and the communities they serve. The elimination or drastic reduction in functions and funding of IMLS would effectively strip away essential Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grants and other federal support that Vermont relies on to sustain its library network.

The impact of this Executive Order would have profound consequences across Vermont, where libraries are lifelines—especially in rural and underserved areas. Vermont’s libraries depend on IMLS funding to support critical initiatives outlined in the state’s 2023–2027 Library Services and Technology Act Five-Year Plan.

Without these federal investments, Vermont would lose vital programs that:

·       Enable resource sharing between small libraries that cannot independently maintain comprehensive collections;

·       Provide training and continuing education to library staff, many of whom serve in communities struggling to attract and retain qualified professionals;

·       Sustain the ABLE Library, which ensures equitable access to reading materials for those who are blind, dyslexic, or print disabled;

·       Support youth and early literacy programming, helping children build lifelong learning habits from an early age;

·       Deliver library services to traditionally underserved populations, including low-income families and those in institutional settings;

·       Offer workforce development resources, helping Vermonters gain the skills and tools needed to succeed in today’s economy;

·       Ensure free access to broadband internet, a crucial service for rural residents who often lack reliable home connectivity;

·       Provide consultancy and advisory services to library boards and trustees, helping ensure equitable access across municipalities;

·       Supply digital resources like databases, eBooks, and eAudiobooks, supporting flexible learning beyond traditional library hours;

·       Support technology training and consulting, enabling libraries to stay current with rapid technological changes.

These resources are not luxuries—they are essential to maintaining education equity, economic opportunity, and community well-being across Vermont.

Eliminating IMLS would jeopardize the future of public libraries as inclusive, accessible community anchors. It would widen the digital divide, hinder educational advancement, and leave behind the very populations that federal programs are intended to support.

We strongly oppose this Executive Order and urge policymakers to continue funding the IMLS, as investing in libraries promotes efficiency and lays the foundation for informed, educated, and connected communities.

March 25, 2025

See also:

Take Action: Help Protect Institute of Museum and Library Services Funding

For more information, contact Mary Danko, president, Vermont Library Association