WHAT: Sign up to present at The Academic Library Show & Tell Sessions: Pecha Kucha @ the Vermont Library Conference.
WHO: Invitation to people who work in academic libraries: submit an idea to present a pecha kucha session.
(You know you want to). Topics? Think fun, useful, interesting. This is a multiple-speaker event.
WHEN & WHERE: May 22, 2012, Vermont Library Conference, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, Vermont
HOW: The format: your presentation will consist of 20 powerpoint slides, with each slide allotted 20 seconds for a total of 6 minutes and 40 seconds.
After all the presentations are completed, there will be time left at the end for discussion and questions.
Please email Stacey Knight at sknight3@smcvt.edu with your presentation idea by January 20, 2012!
For more information on pecha kucha presentations visit http://www.wired.com/techbiz/media/magazine/15-09/st_pechakucha.
Your pecha kucha co-organizers-
Stacey Knight, Associate Director for Systems and Metadata (802-654-2402 )
Laura Crain, Associate Director for Collection Services(802-654-2388 )
Saint Michael’s College Library
One Winooski Park
Colchester, Vermont 05439