Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, June 14th, for this year’s College & Special Libraries section gathering:
What’s New Under the Sun: Innovation in Vermont Academic and Special Libraries (maybe there will be some sun by mid-June!)
Tuesday, June 14th, 10:00 a.m to 3:00 p.m.
Castleton State College
Castleton, Vermont
There is no cost to participate. Lunch is on your own at campus or village eateries.
Consider sharing an innovation at your library. What tools or services are you experimenting with? Respond to this email with a brief proposal, or send along the name of a Vermont colleague to recommend as a speaker.
Hope you can come! Also, hope to see you at the section meeting at the Vermont Library Conference.
Charlotte Gerstein, president, College and Special Libraries Section, VLA Reference & Instruction Librarian, Castleton State College (802) 468-6409