What’s New Under the Sun:
Innovation in Vermont Academic and Special Libraries
Tuesday, June 14, 10:00-3:00
Castleton State College
Come join your Vermont academic and special library colleagues for a day of learning about and sharing our new initiatives
You can download a printable flyer which includes descriptions of the scheduled presentations
In addition to the scheduled presentations, please consider sharing briefly something you are experimenting with at your library
Scheduled presentations:
The Long Trail to Mobile Digital Collections: Creating Smartphone Apps for Digital Archives
Dan DeSanto, University of Vermont
From Living in the Cloud to Leveraging the Cloud, Why Norwich University Migrated to OCLC’s Web Scale Management Services (WMS)
Elliot Polak and Greg Sauer, Norwich University
Using Data to Drive Innovation or What Can We Learn from First-Year Students
Daisy Benson, University of Vermont
Student-Centered Reference Assistance
Michele McCaffrey, St. Michael’s College
Fun, Thoughtful Tech in the Classroom
Andrew Burkhardt and Sarah Cohen, Champlain College
To Text or Not to Text, That is the Question
Daisy Benson and Scott Schaffer, University of Vermont
Coffee and morning snacks provided, lunch is on your own.
Please RSVP by email or phone to Charlotte Gerstein by Friday, June 3.
charlotte.gerstein@castleton.edu (802) 468-6409
There is no charge to participate, but a $10 donation is requested to cover event expenses.