Why Jane Austen? – JASNA-Vermont's June Meeting

You are Cordially Invited to JASNA-Vermont’s June Meeting
Why Jane Austen?
What do we want from Jane Austen? Why do we want it?
and What do we get from the movies, the fan fiction, and the Novels?
with Rachel Brownstein*
Sunday, 3 June 2012, 2 – 4 p.m.
Champlain College, Hauke Conference Center, 375 Maple St Burlington VT
Free & Open to the Public
Light refreshments served
For more information: JASNAVermont@gmail.com / 802-343-2294
Please visit our blog at: http://JaneAustenInVermont.wordpress.com

*We are honored to welcome Professor Rachel Brownstein, author of Becoming a Heroine (1982), Tragic Muse: Rachel of the Comedie-Francaise (1993), and Why Jane Austen? (2011). Films, feminism, and popular fetishes are among the subjects of her new work, an engaging treasure-filled meditation on Jane Austen as writer, woman, social commentator, and 21st-century icon. But most of all it is about reading, which Brownstein has been encouraging people to do, at Brooklyn College and the Graduate School of CUNY, for several decades.
**Upcoming in 2012 and beyond ~ see blog for details**
Sept. 23: Burlington Book Festival: ‘An Afternoon with Jane Austen’: authors Elsa Solender on Jane Austen in Love: An Entertainment, Stuart Bennett on The Perfect Visit, and more!
Dec. 2: Annual Birthday Tea with Paul Monod of Middlebury College on
“The Royal Navy in the Age of Nelson, 1775-1815”
Mar. 2013 [TBA]: “’Fifty Miles of Good Road’: Travelling in Jane Austen” with Deb Barnum