Well, I managed to get a date on the calendar for the fall meeting! I know we had talked about trying to schedule something central to everyone, but I also know I’m not going to be able to make everyone happy. So I scheduled it at Midstate Regional Library in Berlin. Not the most fabulous or plush place in the state, but it will do. The date is Tuesday, November 10 from 9:30-3.
Thank you to everyone who has so generously sent in photos of their spaces! If you haven’t done so, please do. We will have a designated time to look at the spaces and offer suggestions on improvement, ooh and ahh over the great ones, and offer sympathy over the not so great ones. The rest of the workshop is still in the planning stages as I’m trying to incorporate all the suggestions that were sent in earlier this year. I promise that you will find something in this workshop that you can take home and use in your library. Really, I do!
There will be no charge for the workshop. The only thing I ask is that you bring a dish to share for lunch. Instead of everyone packing their own brown bag, we’ll get to feast on a little bit of everything. Kind of like a good old fashioned potluck or “dinner on the ground” as we say back home. Don’t go all out by any means. A simple salad to share is fine, but feel free to bring your favorite dish to show off. If you want to stop at Shaw’s and grab some chips and salsa, that works too. It’s more about getting together, having fun and learning a little something than it is about lunch. (May my southern relatives forgive me for saying that.) I will provide the plates, forks, napkins, and drinks. I’ll also make sure there’s coffee and snacks in the morning.
I will be sending out a full schedule of workshop events as soon as I can, but please don’t wait for that to decide you want to come share in the fun! Go ahead and mark your calendar! A registration form will be emailed out with the details of the workshop for you to fill out and send back so we’ll know who wants to come play. I’m hoping to get things finalized and to you in the next two weeks. Closer to the date I’ll let you know who has signed up so carpool arrangements can be made to make things a bit easier for folks.
So, get your pictures in…and Y’ALL COME!
Jane Napier, Children’s Librarian
Kellogg Hubbard Library
135 Main Street
Montpelier, VT 05602